Digestive System,Diana Trevino,Period 6
Layer of the GI Tract
Mucosa- Most inner layer also known as mucus memebrane
Muscularis and Muscular layer- 2nd to last most exterior
Outer longitudinal layer-condense intestine
Submucosa- 2nd inner layer
Inner Circular layer-squeeze,decrease size of lumen
Submucosal Plexus- in submucosa
Mucus Membrane -constructs mucus for reduction and protection
Serosa- outer covering of the GI tract
Surfaces of the Stomach
Cardiac region- close by heart
Fundus- dome,shaped,filled with gas
Pyloric sphincter-power food leaving stomach and entering small intestine
Body- head portion
Pylorus-funnel shaped end
Functions of the Digestive System
removes solid food waste
GI tract- passage for food
Digest food
Accessory Organ- Grant secretions such as enzymes
Absorbs nutrients
Aids breakdown food
Major Organs of Digestive System
Small intestine extending from pyloric sphincter to ieocecal valve.Also chemical digestion of fat begins
Large Intestine- absorption of water and electroytes
Esophagus- collapsible tube travels from the pharynx to stomach
Liver- largest gland in body, made of 4 lobes
Mouth- opening into oral cavity
Gall Bladder- pear-shaped organ
Stomach- Pinpoint at the left of the abdominal cavity in left hypochondriac region
Pancreas- detected behind stomach surrounded by duodenum
Anus-Banish feces from rectum to exterior
Location and Absorption of each Macromlecule
Carbohydrates- Revealed in the pancreas
Proteins- pinpointed all around your body,hair,muscles,bone,skin etc.
Macromlecule- Accommodate many atoms
Lipids- detected in many parts- cell membrane,cholesterol,blood cells,brain
Digestive Enzymes
Amylases- break down carbs as starch into simple sugars
Lipases- collapses fat into 3 fatty acids
Pepsin- collapse proteins into polypeptides
Trypsin- Assist us digest protein
Proteases-collapses protein within smaller peptides
Nucleases- chains of nucleotide in nucleic acids into the smaller unit
Digestive Enzymes- collapse enzymes thus down polmeric marcomolecules as smaller building blocks
Cymotryspin- collapses proteins in the small intestine