While this section is somewhat short, I choose this section because of the reaction shown through professionals. Professionals in the field of psychology. It is apparent that even they do not know how to react to someone so close to them having a terminal illness. They freak out and don’t know how to comfort her, nor do they know what to do in the near future. As of the time of writing this, I can relate to this scenario. My uncle has just been put on life support because of COVID. So my initial reaction was a lot like theirs. I am over a thousand miles away therefore I cannot do anything. Yet, they cannot do anything about her situation solely because they know what to do scientifically, but when it comes to someone dear to them, the textbook answer does not apply. I also will refer to the end of the section, when they say “who will replace her?” because here replace isn’t like when Peter Ivanovich says “who will take Ivan’s place”(Tolstoy). The difference between the two quotes is the back story, Maria’s coworkers are genuinely saddened therefore for them to find a replacement for such an extraordinary person will be so hard and heartbreaking. While in “The Death of Ivan Ilych” Peter says it to bring emphasis to the fact he’s dead, and that a well-paying job is up for grabs