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Come - Coggle Diagram
Come out
when the sun appears (It started cloudy, but then the sun CAME OUT and we all went to the park.)
disappear when washed (The red wine I spilt just will not COME OUT of the carpet no matter what I try to clean it with.)
Come in
place or ranking in a competition, etc. (I did my best but CAME IN last but one in the race.)
Come on
start functioning (machines, etc) (The central heating COMES ON automatically an hour before I have to get up.)
Come through
arrive (messages and information) (News is COMING THROUGH of a major accident on the M25, where freezing fog has been making driving conditions extremely dangerous.)
produce a result (They promised they'd do it, but they haven't COME THROUGH yet.)
Come about
happen, occur (The meeting CAME ABOUT because both sides were sick of fighting.)
Come along
move faster or keep up (COME ALONG, we’ll never get there if you don’t keep up with us.)
Come down
travel (When you're next in London, COME DOWN and see us.)
Come into
be important or relevant (Money doesn't COME INTO it; I simply will not do it under any circumstances.)
Come out with
say something publicly and unexpectedly (She CAME OUT WITH the answer when everyone was expecting it to remain unsolved.)
Come over
affect mentally in such a way as to change behaviour (possibly related to 'overcome') (I'm sorry about last night - I don't know what CAME OVER me.)
Come round
change your opinion (At first she didn't like the idea, but she CAME ROUND to our way of thinking in the end.)
become conscious, wake up from anaesthetic (She CAME ROUND and learned that the operation had been a complete success.)
Come to
result in (The two men started arguing but they soon CAME TO blows and started fighting in earnest.)
become conscious, wake up from anaesthetic (She CAME TO an hour after the operation.)
Come up
appear (I'll be late home tonight because something's COME UP at work has to be ready for tomorrow morning.)
Come apart: break into pieces (It CAME APART when I tried to lift it off the floor and I had to glue it back together.)
Come around: recover consciousness (It took several hours after the operation before he CAME AROUND.)
Come around to: agree with or accept something you had previously disapproved of or disliked (They have started COMING AROUND TO our way of thinking and are less hostile.)
Come before: appear in court charged with a crime or offence (He CAME BEFORE the court on charges of speeding.)
Come down to: amount to, be the most important aspect (It all COMES DOWN TO a question of who tries hardest.)
Come down upon: criticise, reprimand severely (They will COME DOWN UPON us if we are late.)
Come forth with: provide information (None of the witnesses CAME FORTH WITH an accurate description of the gang.)
Come off it: I don't believe what you're saying; used as an imperative (COME OFF IT; tell me the truth for goodness' sake.)
Come out in: have a rash or similar skin problem (She CAME OUT IN a nasty rash after touching the poisonous plant by mistake.)
Come out of: recover consciousness (After three years, he CAME OUT OF the coma.)
Come through with: provide something needed (He didn't COME THROUGH WITH the money and they went bust.)
Come up against: encounter problems or difficulties (They CAME UP AGAINST a lot of opposition to their plans for an out-of-town supermarket development.)
Come up with: think of a solution, excuse, etc. (Nobody could COME UP WITH a satisfactory explanation for the accident.)