

AI (Artificial Intelligence) is the ability of a machine to perform cognitive functions as humans do, such as perceiving, learning, reasoning and solving problems.





Deep Learlning


General AI: An artificial intelligence reaches the general state when it can perform any intellectual task with the same accuracy level as a human would.

Strong AI: An AI is strong when it can beat humans in many tasks.

Narrow AI: A artificial intelligence is said to be narrow when the machine can perform a specific task better than a human. The current research of AI is here now.

Four bright minds led the project; John McCarthy (Dartmouth College), Marvin Minsky (Harvard University), Nathaniel Rochester (IBM), and Claude Shannon (Bell Telephone Laboratories).

The proposal of the summits included
1°Automatic Computers
2°How Can a Computer Be Programmed to Use a Language?
3°Neuron Nets

In 1956, a group of avant-garde experts from different backgrounds decided to organize a summer research project on AI.

Artificial intelligence is used to reduce or avoid the repetitive task. For instance, AI can repeat a task continuously, without fatigue.

Artificial intelligence improves an existing product. Before the age of machine learning, core products were building upon hard-code rule. Firms introduced artificial intelligence to enhance the functionality of the product rather than starting from scratch to design new products.

Artificial intelligence

Deep learning

Machine learning

Machine learning is based on the idea that there exist some patterns in the data that were identified and used for future predictions. The machine learns on its own to find such rules.

Deep learning means the machine uses different layers to learn from the data.

The learning phase is done through a neural network. A neural network is an architecture where the layers are stacked on top of each other.