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Global Marketing - Coggle Diagram
Global Marketing
Factors influencing in pricing
When setting price, merketers need to take into consideration several factors, which are result of company choices and actions
Return on investment, and how to calculate to return on investment this is very important to always atay on float, because we need to calculate our prices with the real value to get a return of money
Cash Flow
Market Share
Market Profit
Fix Cost
Variable Cost
External Factors
There are several sawying factors, which are not controlled by the company but will influence pricing decisions
Elasticity of demand: Depend on how influecned is the market with the idea of necesity of the people
Customer Expetations
Direct comtetitor pricing
Related product pricing
Buyer demand
Price manufacturing
seller benefit
alternative product price
pricing products
Primary product pricing
Goberment Regulation
Brand Identity
Work to make relations between brand and consumer
Works as an estrategy to make the consume understand the brand
Work to place and receive certain estereotypes and socioeconomic levels
To identify people with the brand y create their style
From emotional and memorable point of view
Its important to be constant with the message want to transmit
Mantain the essence and personality of the brand
Develop an standard of the brand and make it different
The value of the brand are aspects from the company and the design of the bussines te develop products and services
“People don´t buy what you sell: they buy what you stand for
The brand Touch is how the product can be describe from a point of view between the brand and de consumer
The brand Onion is the way of identify from the inside to the outside, elemnts that difference a brand from an other, first its essence then values then personality and finally the actions and consequences
Communication Landscape
This works for the brands to sell experiences trough the products they sell, the lifestyle and probably the public going to try once they buy their products
They are experiences created and false dreams, that related to the emotions of what the client want to live
The designer has to understand thath this type of comunication between the environment and the clothes need to be related to those experiences, to make an identity, that little by little to make more effective a brand and in generalthe brand it is a tool that work to transmit the values of the brand
And the most important fo all of this is to sell products of the brand, for example, make sexy or atractive the moment trough the clothe they sell
The origin comes with this brands of fashion and make an outlook or a visual example in wich the people want to belong on it.
The best brands and the best models are the bestcatwalks, make the brand more exclusive than the others
Make the dream factor to make the position of the brand, and different objectives.
This belong to different levels of comunication, the product, the brand, and the company
This differences objectives of the brand and the image, the reputation, the importance of the image, because the fashion is very visual, it has to speak a universal language, free expretions, emotional, and not to verbal
The use of images has a very important task, cause the fashion is very visual, and they can comunicate and transmit what they want, also the designer job, is the maximum way of expression and strongest decisions
Make consistent the information, and relat to themselfs with the people and their image, taking care of details and make a better type of marketing, better content, and better spaces, and even more
Content marketing
The most comon thing to put an advertising to sell any product or service, it is in social media, in the news paper, in a magazine, etc. Shopable content
This could be linked directly with the online store to male the experience more easy and fast
The 4 C of content is very important,
The methoths of comunication to male a better content
Social media need to represent the brand bussines strategy, the main brand and the value
Digital content is great for telling a powerful story, offering a peek behind the scenes and keeping followewrs updated
The main idea is increasing the desire for the brand and its products
There is no point of the topic does not attracts followers
Digital formats
Advertising campaings designed to run on a variety of digital platforms are often referred to as pay-pèr-click
The 3 most important points
Knowing and understand your chosen publication
understand your audience
never trying to get in touch on a deadline
Big data
identify demand mora accurately
engage the consumer to reponse to the products
create better consumer experience
Brand Strategy & managment
it is the most important way to identify a brand trough their style, presence in the market and diferent things from other brands
They sell the essence trough its clients creating an extense field of publicity
The most efective way and comon to make a brand grow it is expanding and licencing their own designs
The extension of a brand consists in offer diferent and new scenarios
the fist part is Market penetration strategy
it means that selling doesnt matter if exist or not the market to sell it
to increase sells
Then there is the Product Development
To make prototypes for people is mentaly prepare and programed when the new products were in sale
Development works to make licences and sell not only the product, it is like 2x1 they sell the image from a brand but in the product of another
Diferent new areas are important to capitalize to sell the product but the licence is more important
Strech the brand is not the same as expand, because strech means tha you can put some variety and more products in different areas of the market, like fragances, clothes, forniture and more, but to make this it is very important to mantain the same essence of the brand to make it relevant
The licence works to sell the rights to make products and collabs with the consent of the other brand to expand in new territories and brands. To keep expanding both brands and strech the market
Its the way that a brand wants to transmit to the public, like personality of the brand, identity of the brand, that makes a highlight above the others from its origin, history, culture, and lifestyle
The factors of developing other complements of the brand on its way has to be perceived to the public
The market, publicity and the same products to, make the difference from others around the world.
An strong narrative, a well done product, market analysis, a good answer from the market make good any brand
The logo, the product, the packing, the envoiroment, social media, promotions, advertising, and reputation are the values of the brand to be recogniced like and stablished brand
Thera are diferent type of brands and corporations, that its has a lot of names with the same owner. The brand has completly diferent styles and directions and comletly diferent products
There are some bussines that made the material and manufacture, the ones that produce all the material necesary to sell to other brands the first material
An Endorsed Brand its a brand that has diferent variants, but the owner and the brand are the same, but they sell diferent products and in a certain point in little brands that grown from the big one.
The co-brands are similar to the Endorsed brand, just the only diferent thing is the foucus comletly diferent, diferent name, diferent category and grow the same time that the origin brand
Create conections and emotional answer loyalty and value
Ethics in merketing communications
There is a series of aspects that can raise ethical porblems, for example, aspects regarding the correctitude of the way contests, games and lotteries are organized and takin place; the correct utilization of price reductions; the value and signification of the promotional gifts and the occasions when they are offered and more
They need to consider all the regulations of every country
Etichal marketing
long term
The preoccupations regarding reaching and maintaining some high moral standards in marketing communication have led to the elaboration and improvement of some declarations and codes, including ethical regulations of the marketing communication either in its ensemble, or for each communication instrument separatley
The organization who iniciate communication they have to take car of their public and their neccesities, in modern times the controvetioal thing of morality it is no wonder to structure life and market
Most ethical issues remain open to debate, both among experts and people in the field, leading us to make our own decisions based on our own values or guiding principles
Socrates argued that people would act "correctly" naturally, if thwy knew what was correct; however, this leads us to a new question: How do we know what is right
The key element is the actitude to taking desicions on our daily products, towars the people and matters that soround us
what do we know the materials what we use are good for us or for our planet, we need to think what iit`s the most important thing, our safety or the money,selling lots or saving our lives
The most important thing is to be responsable of what we do and what we do after we buy anything, it is better to recycle and reuse instead of put it on the trash
Fashion and digital campaings
it is not a formal and direct contact
The costumer ir more interest in configurate all its devices to make like is one
social media es ver important for brand to upload their events, advertising and publicity
the fashion industry is based on mass communication, wich generates a lerga volume of new ideas and onformation, commercial exchanges and visual stimulation that lead to the development of brands and firms
Communicating effectivetly trough social media takes time, consistency, and knowledge of the audience you are trying to reach
The key to the succes is to avoid traditional sales approaches, wich bombard users with information about brands; on the contrary, it is about listening, and and targeted way giving them the information they want, in an appropiate
Proliferation of platform is so common now a days that exist to much and its complicated to understand the demographic profile and personality to understand wich one is the correct one
People star to collaborate with this blog and post that influencer or specialist make in the social media to make easy tio understand what the brand is offering to the public
In the fashion industry, where exclusive and trend setting are an intrisic part of creating a brand niche, the goal of the content writer for consumers is to get the latest new, ifnormation, and images out there before they happen
Emerging GLobal Markets
The most efective way to male a brand succesfull is to determinate and knowing when is emereging some new markets
The increas woll be fulled by the growth of wealthy middle-class consumers and the emergence of megacities such as Shangai, Sao Paulo, Moscow, Los angeles, New York, and more.
Global reaitling, is complicate, because it is related with social media and more things as the value of the products, taxes, regulations, and more.
The retail is different in different countries because of the demand of the products the amount of people and the quantity of products available in that country
The availibity, quality, and cost of domestic labor force are crucial factor, praticuarly for cost have a direct and significant impact on both magins and the bottom line
The way that workesr are putting their life to archive the goals of the product and the poor salary they recibe is not constant or right in comparison of the value of the product, and how much the designer or the brand reciebe for selling diferent articles ando not giving the equality part to their workers
Global Marketing
It represent the world brands and globalization of the brands with the consumer
Globalization is a defining feature of human society at the start of the 21st century
Has hergonomic role in organization
The power of relationships, practices and thecnologies that characterize and shape the contemporary world
A lot of the people of the worl live in poberty,, the supporters try to be optimistic woth all this people
The people that are sceptics are very lineal, they follow the sistem, and they dont care that much for the people
Value Creation
Companies who want to achieve dominanc in their chosen markets are shaping competitiv market landscapes throughout the world
New peoduct innovation and creativity to leverage both the brand and the vast arrays of information that these global brand owners have at their disposal requires them to think in new ways about their bussines and the comtetition they face
Organization are foucus in values, on market proceses, that need to be added in proceses to make better the brand and the product,
Service level
Easy to use
Market could be local and global, but the organization with the global comunications can make bigger the brand and the industries
Fashion Buyer
A company will have a variety of types of relationshios with different suppliers racing from close partnerships with key suppliers to develop products and to generate the best outcome for both parties, through to distant relationships whre it may be a one off- Puraches and the emphasis is on getting the lowest price
The increasing size of retail organizations and homegenization of merchandise has meant that vendor selections is a key buyer activity
Fashion buyer decision criteria
Three criteria that dominate in vendor selection
Selling history
Biuying processes
Buying proccess is likely to involve considerable information search, including maeket trends ans consumers behaviour and also longer-Term trends in the supply market such as concentration and awitching cost
Includes a number of activities ans steps
Problem recognition
product specification
supplier search
supplier choice
Fashion Marketing
"Marketing is not the art of finding clever ways to dispose of what you make. Marketing is the arte of creating geniune customer value"
an understanding of costumer requirements
The ability to create, communicate and deliver value
arketing is a managment process concerned with anticipating, identifying and satisfying customer needs in ordes to meet the long-term goals of the organization
Creating and communicating value
Successful business relies on a strong and effective interelationship between the activities of creating, communicating and delivering
it is important to carry out research in order to identify who the consumers are and determina what they mught require
What is value
Value refers to the range of potential issues that customers mught care about of connect with emotionally
The product offering
the total brand experience
the overallservice
Bulding media relations
Create relations trough the social media is very important for a brand to get some clients, sllers, collabs and more.
This make the clients to aprouch to brand, instead of the brand getting its own client and public, with the base and consent and quality
The bloggers are in charge of making the people or tha mass getting to the brand and the journalist are the ones who make the critics of the brand
Knowing the comments and publications, knowing the some deals and the information of som aspects to know the brand suggestions of the product
The same happend with the bloggers, is the only way to understand what the public and the readers feel about their post and comments on how to imporve their products
Make the list of objectives with the base of the comments of the people and clients making of the brand
Consumer Profile
This work to get all the information of the clients and the consumer, like demographic, geographic, kind of lifestye, phiscographic data
The current trends, to stay in constant actualisation and give to the consumer the most important colors in clothes
The pen profile is a short written profile that represent the market, and describe the most important things of the consumer, like motivations, actitudes, brand selection, hor much they spend on clothes
The information, culd get from the goberment, blog, social media, quiestionaries and way to put all this information in a easy way to understand is with a collage, to identify their customer and the things they like and want
We need to visualise the buyer persona to be more specific in what are the most important things on their lifes, reoutines, how the think the daily routine, outfits, like asking how they live,how they think, and how they evolve triugh the time
Ethical Issues
Ther are 2 types os criticism
Is the feeling thst when people are buying things and they feel they dont be treaten by the brand and they dont feel that the product isnt wrong
Are the ones that affect the whole world, and has to be relate with values, products, to reduce something thats gas been wrong since a lot of years
We have to do it, beacuse everyone else deos it
The most important thing of this part is to make everyone feel better, with their bodies and the lifestyle, of what our experience has made us and take us on where we are now but the most important things is to be ourself no matter what
In the video we can see that people are very critical on how they feel compare of how we are in real life
MultiChannel Marketing
Fashion advertising
Can be a expensive way of promotion, but for brand with a lot of money this is necesary
The ultimate aim id, of course, to generate sales, but under the surface advertising endeavors to_
Reinforce a brand image
Communicate a brand position in the market
Embed specific meanings into the consumer psyche
Tap into the consumer aspirations
Create desire for the brand and its products
generate conversation and consumer
They do this to make the brand more desirable and sexy, to make you file loke the brand want you to feel, like powerfull and strong succesfull
Components of an add campaing
the message
Its content or how it is delivered must remain active in the recipient mind: it must be remarkable, memorable, and worth talking about
Ideas that spread win
the channel
The medium or channel, its the vehicle by wich an advertisement is presented and reaches the public
timing and exposure
A company needs to balance the spread fo media used with the time frame and costo of exposure
each advertisement can be considered in terms of its advertising reach or coverage and frequency, or the number of times someone is likely to view the add during the time-frame
How to plan advertising and promotional campaings
set advertising objectives
determine siutable media platforms
decide who will devise the campaing
set budget and time-frame
confirm content, style and advertising message
Fashion Levels
Branching the market into more compact segmentations, enables a clearer comparison of brands and market levels
Haute couture and couture
Its literally defined as "high sewing" or "fine"sewing and is fashion as its highest level
Sucha as
Dominique Sirop
Ready to wear
Fashion products that is not customade for an individual client is known as ready-to-wear or off-the-peg clothing
High-end fashion or luxury fashion
middle market
mass market
value fashion retailers
High end or luxury fashion
The garments in luxury fashion are produced rather than hand-made, however they are not mass-produceds, so they offer the desirability wich comes with having limited availability and finnite accesibility
The value of the Luis Vuitton brand is estimated at $39.3 Billons, Other luxury fashion brand names are Hermes, Gucci, Prada and Burberry
Middle Markewt
Are designed and priced to cater for costumers wishing to purachase at level between luxury and mass market
Some combat this by re-starting their market level, claiming they afforable luxury or masstige or mass luxury rather than mid-market fashion
Mass market
High street
Due to the reasonable pricing of pieces available and the factthat products are mass produced to ensure the cost of each individual item can be bought down as much as possible, this market level sits next to the bottom
Fast Fashion
Is a phenomenom in the industry where the process of production is exploited in order to get new trends to the market as quickly and as cheaply as possible
Value Fashion retail
Value retailing remains a high priority in the consumers shopping list increasing sales for factory outlets, closeout stores, and off-price products. They provide Quality goods at inexpensive prices; products that are neither seconds, nor rejected
The bubble up and the trickle down
Trickle down effect rellay with the social matter, on tohe top of societry is acepted and slowly become something that normal people adapts and use in the end, because the normal people try to look diferent
The fashino become a tend and its common cause is close to the hier, it is in reverse, the people adapt and then the higest levels use it
Vintage Fashion
The scope of the market varies from second-hand merchandise in a thrift of charity store to rare designer dresses
Use of certified organic fibres such as cotton or linen
use of renewable fibres such as bamboo and maize
recycling of fibres and graments
use of natural dyes or low-impact dyes
braking the cycle of consuption by creating a long-lasting product
fair-trade raw and ethical farming practices
reduction in energy consuption
minimal or reduce packing
All the information is obtained from the videos provided by the teacher Adriana Berenice, who directs the Global Marketing class in Fashion Design and Trends. In addition to the interpretation of the topics in the different videos obtained during the course, there are a total of 48 videos throughout the semester.