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Music video - Coggle Diagram
Music video
Scene 1
Location: Front yard near fireplace,
Characters: Ghostbur (animated)
Ghostbur is standing next to his grave
Scene 2
Location: Grandma's living room
characters: Ghostbur, Philza, Young wilbur, techno, and tommy,(maybe tubbo) (animated)
Ghostbur will be playing the guitar in front of the mirror, will then cut to memories of phil and his kids
Scene 3
Location: in front of some trees maybe the creek
Characters: Ghostbur, philza, tommy, tubbo, niki, fundy (animated)
Shows Ghostbur popping up floating above phil, tommy and tubbo as a ghost and trying to wave to them. Gets sad when ghost with no home then I remember and he grabs at his chest scar. I remember- shows his hands then the days shows phil with wilbur in the button room and cuts off before wilbur turns his head. when i’d make you Oh-so afraid shows fundy and niki baking a cake
Scene 3
Location: my living room, the front of the gate my my house
characters: Philza, young tommy, techno, and will (animated)
Idea from misumisu001 on the lyric and this is why i have decided to leave your house and home unhaunted show philza in his living room and a ghost of wilbur and his kids playing and disappear when he turns around
For the lyric you don't need poltergeists for sidekicks it shows the hotdog van in its prime with tommy wilbur and tubbo then ghostbur standing in the doorway with it all in shrivels
Scene 4
Location: grandma's living room
characters: Ghostbur, Glatt (animated)
goes back to the mirror video and shows flowers wilting during the beats slowly and glatt walking to the couch in thee background then at the you dont need me theres a closeup of the wilting flowers
At you dont need no halloween it pans to glatt sitting on the couch and blurs the flowers in view and show glatt turning his head/eyes towards the camera
Scene 5
Location: on the hill above my house looking down, maybe the side of my house
Characters: Ghostbur, Wilbur, Dream, tommy, philza, schlatt, tubbo,techno (animated)
(Main idea) This will be flashbacks more majority of the time showing all the bad things wilbur has done for example blowing up l’manburg and throughout it will show the revive book and revivebur during the white hair lyric
During the lyric if you stop staring straight through me it shows ghostbur looking at his hands that are see through
Scene 6
Location: creek, and my room
characters: Ghostbur, techno, friend the sheep (animated)
For leave your home unhaunted it shows ghostbur finding friend and putting a lead on him
For you don’t need poltergeists for sidekicks it shows wilbur leaning on technos shoulder
Scene 7
Location: by the goat pen, patio, my room, hill above my house
characters: wilbur, eret, shlatt, fundy, tommy, tubbo, phil, techno, revivebur
You dont need treats 1- shows l’manburg flag waving. Then you don’t need tricks it shows it all torn and a smog sky
you dont need treats2- shows wilbur and eret playing chess having a good time you dont need tricks2- shows an up angle of betrayal eret about to press button
You dont need no halloween- show schlatt fixing his suit
You dont need treats3- show fundy handing will a cake smiling. you don’t need tricks3- show fundy doing the pose holding a tnt again the new manburg flag
You don’t need treats4- tommy and tubbo hanging on wilbur celebrating
For dont need no hallow’s eve-show phil and techno walking in the snow infront of their house
For the final you dont need trick you dont need treats it cuts to the mirror video again
Final line it shows revivebur “taking the camera down” thus making his hand cover the screen