The doctor ordered: orthopedic surgical consult, change to "surgical consent ORIF, chlorhexidine surgical scrub before surgery, IV with 0.9% sodium chloride at 50 mL/hr, Labs (CBC, CMP) now and in the morning, Type and Hold 2 units PRBC, CXR, EKG-12 lead, Prednisone 10mg daily, Ketorolac 30 mg IV every 6 hours, Cefazolin 1 g IV on call to surgery, Diet as tolerated-NPO after midnight, BG monitoring AC andHS call if >200mg/dL, indwelling catheter, and I&O
After labs are complete WBC, Hemoglobin/Hematocrit, Potassium, Glucose, Cholesterol/Triglycerides and Platelet counts are concerning and surgery is postponed. Patient is started on IV antibiotics, Potassium and receives 1 unit PRBC. Patient is started on short-acting insulin. A PICC is place due to poor venous access.
Then next day patient is improving and is taken to surgery for ORIF of left Hip. 24 hours postop patient's BP drops to 89/50 and fluids are given. Dr. is called with report of BP 89/50, Temp 101.2F, She had elevated WBC and has been on cefazolin IV, Her would site is slightly red with clear, serous drainage, lungs are diminished in the bases, and has been placed on 1L/NC sats at 95%. WBC are at 13000. Indwelling catheter is draining concentrated, cloudy urine
Dr. prescribes: Urine C&S and discontinue indwelling catheter. chest x-ray, IV fluids, acetaminophen, ciprofloxacin. Results: Bilateral atelectasis and bladder and kidney infection. An increase of CAUTI has been noticed on this unit.