Surgical tharapy
Surgery is the oldest type of cancer treatment that is performed to remove cancer cells and it surrounding tissues. And nowadays surgical procedures/ therapy is used to meet different goals.
1 Prevention
This goal is used to reduce the risk of cancer development and prophylactic extraction of non vital organs has been successful in reducing the cases of some cancer. For instance, a patient who have adenomatous familial polyposis may benefit from total colostomy
2 Cure or Control
The main aim of this is to remove all resectable tumor as possible at the same time sparring normal tissue.
Example , is radical neck dissection , thyroidectomy , nephrectomy , hysterectomy
A rebulking is a procedure used if the tumor is attached to vital organs in this the patient is given chemotherapy and radiation therapy and this is effective since tumor cells is decreased before the treatment is initiated.
3 Supportive and Palliative Care
Examples of supportive surgical procedure include insertion of feeding tube , placement of central venous access device and prophylactic surgical fixation of bones.