Global interconnectedness has expanded
Industrial Revolution
Train routes
being connected in a affordable way
economic industrialisation => the modern state nation
technological advances
advances in communication
first time being connected on a global scale
sharing of ideas and culture
market system
connection beyond modern nation state
free market
private production
privatisation/deregulation of national economies
shifting power from the government to international bodies that are not controlled by them
A new form of globalization (Platform Economy)
started with the fall of the Berlin Wall
economies became independent in a new market system
global trade agreements
emerging markets (industrializing China)
growth in the global economy
technological advances
faster traveling of information and at a bigger volume
1980 deregulation of financial institutions
new global financial architecture to move investments around the world
money started to flow to emerging economies
money became more available in capital markets
neoliberal economic globalization! (90´s/20´s)
global supply chains/ hyper growth in China
balance of power changed forever from political organizations to markets and private enterprices
started to unravel, because of the financial crisis
era of uncertainty began
globalisation was crumbling
new model for globalization was to emerge a decade later
formation of a single global value system started
hyperglobalisation was a model to complex for any nation state to manage
after financial crisis nationalism began to expand again
advances in technology
laying groundwork for a new form of globalization
instead of exangeing goods, we now focus on information and services
huge flows of data, as 4 Billion people are connected through the internet
a new architecture to gloalisation was build
Global information Network
a global economic and financial system
second generation of web technologies
the world became connected through the advances made
the overtaking of critical aspects of human organization
the internet became the core infulstructure in global economic exchanges
new model of the platform economic and social organizations
rise of informational networks
platform market model
these platforms came to dominate the merket
market capitalization
internet based economy
anyone with an internet connection can connect
digital model of globalisation
less dependent on capital
platform revolution
world started to move into an ever more dynamic state
expansion of supply chains and the rise of emerging markets (China)
disrupted world order in view of economic systems
Social Networks started to pass everyone by
inequality brought by globalisation became unbearable for many societies
Climate change was starting to become a reality
Information revolution
Strukturen were altered
Unstable global economy, society and environment
Our form of globalisation today was formed through advances in telecommunication and the exchange of information
economic organizations and info networks became one
third generation web
endgame for globalisation
digital globalisation
new kind of internet
decentralized web
no centralized platforms
more security
peer to peer based
no institutional structures needed
new forms of economies can now be build
concentration of power in the hands of for profit organizations