"Special Needs" in an educational context refers to:
Differences in physical or medical conditions, perceptual or sensory processing which make learning in a classroom more difficult for some students.
-Suzanne Robare, M.S, M.T.E. Special Education Needs Coordinator at Beijing World Youth Academy (BWYA)
:star: The US defines 13 disability categories, including: Autism, Emotional Disturbance, Intellectual Disability, Orthopedic Impairment, Other Health Impairment, Specific Learning Disability, Speech/Language Impairment, Traumatic Brain Injury.
:pencil2: At BWYA, there are an estimated 150 students K-12 who have some form of dyslexia (two common types are dysphonetic and dyseiditic)*
Source: Suzanne Robare, M.S, M.T.E. Special Education Needs Coordinator at Beijing World Youth Academy (BWYA)