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Galvanic current, indications & parameters of IDC - Coggle Diagram
Galvanic current
Interrupted Direct Currents
Production of Galvanic current
motor unit
Muscle fibre type
type IIb
fast glycolytic
least oxidative
least fatigue resistance
highest fastest force production
physiological sequence in contraction
asynchronous motor unit pattern
smooth graded contraction
related to- no.of motor units firing (spatial summation)
rate of motor unit firing (temporal summation)
normal contraction
Increase no of motor units in early contraction
(to incr force)
Then increase firing rate to increase force further
Type I MU fire first, then Type II, Type IIb brought in last of all.
Electrical Stimulation pattern:
SYNCHRONOUS firing pattern (all MU’s fire together)
Type II neurons are LARGER (therefore have a lower threshold,
therefore fire first-reverse of the natural sequence)
physiological effects of IDC
contraction of denervated muscle
denervated ms- accommodation not same as motor nerve
slowly rising current can produce contraction of denervated ms
impulse with a duration of 100ms
stimulation of sensory nerves- stabbing or burning sensation, reflex dilation of the superficial blood vessels & consequent erythema of the skin
stimulation of motor nerves-contraction of the ms supplied.
type IIa
fast oxidative glycolytic
some oxidative metabolism
therefore some fatigue resistance
type I
slow oxidative
vascular +++
fatigue resistant
(red fibers-old term)
anterior horn cell
1 alpha motor neuron
n all the ms fibers it innervates
The flow of current commencing and ceasing at regular intervals.
Different waveforms
The impulses in which the current rises gradually are often
termed ‘selective’
galvanic current
constant direct current is called
Interrupted galvanic current
long duration interrupted direct current
indications & parameters of IDC
therapeutic effects
Techniques of application
one pad-origin of the ms group
active electrode - a disc or small pad electrode - lower end of the fleshy belly of the muscle or stroked slowly down (labile technique)
Two disc electrode may be used
Two pads may be fixed – stabile technique-one over the origin and the other over the lower end of the muscle group
preparation of the equipment
preparation of the patient
application of IDC- test the electrode
(anode or cathode) for effective ms contraction.
stimulation of denervated ms
though many controversies exist for this
its recognized as an imp tx modality in the early stages of periperal nerve inj.
the rationale is to maintain the ms in as healthy a state as possible by electrically induced artificial exercise, while awaiting reinnervation
this would substitute for the beneficial effects of normal ms contraction/
for electrodiagnosis
in SD curve plotting & faradic IDC tests
should be applied with caution in
cardiac disease
patients with known Hx of
cardiac disease
previous MI
other congenital & acquired cardiac abnormalities
should be applied with proper measures as the isometric contraction produced might put extra stress on the affected heart.
anesthetic/ hypoesthetic skin
should be applied with caution & adequate skin care as patient cannot report of any discomfort
small children/ & subjects with impaired mentation
cannot understand the necessities of the Tx
cannot report any discomfort or damage
if patient has undergone iontophoresis/ phonophoresis
as strong ms contraction & enhanced blood flow frm ES might disperse the introduced drug
own notes
demand type cardiac pace maker or arrhythmia
ES may interfere the functioning of pacemaker & alter HR
may aggravate an unstable arrhythmia
unconcious patients
cannot report any discomfort - can lead to burns
ms contraction may incr demand in Cardiorespiratory system which might not cope with it
recent radiotherapy
contraindicated within 6 mnths following therapy
tissues are devitalized & cannot bear the stress due to enhanced metabolic activity caused by ES
carotid sinus
should not be placed over ant & lateral neck
may cause a rapid fall in BP n cause the patient to faint.
areas of venous & arterial thrombosis & thrombophlebitis
stimulating these areas may incr circulation thereby incr risk of embolism- absolute local ContraIndication
over pelvis, low back, abdomen & trunk to be avoided
effect on fetous has not been established
early tendon transfer/ repair
contraindicated before the completion of 5th week
as strong ms contraction can cause tendon damage.
is contraindicated as it may accelerate secondary spread (metastasis)
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own notes
stimulation of denervated ms to maintain it;s properties?
300 contractions (90 desirable)
Reeducation of muscle action in recovering muscles.
Type of impulses-slow rising impulses are more effective in stimulating denervated muscle.
Duration of impulses-100ms is usually effective. Sometimes 300 or 600ms