What should I know and understand for the measurement, area, and perimeter quiz
-how to convert one measurement to another (eg. m to km, l to ml, g to mg)
-what we measure using m, l, g
-what is perimeter
-what is area
-how to find the perimeter of
any shape with sides (polygons)
-how to find the area of
rectangle, square
-relationship between the area of a rectangle/square and the area of a triangle and parallelogram
-draw a rectangle with a certain perimeter
eg. draw 3 rectangles with a perimeter of 8cm
-draw a rectangle with a certain area
eg. draw 3 rectangles with an area of 20 cm2
-calculate area and perimeter of
rectangles and squares
any shape with sides (polygon)
*you should know the different formulas
Wednesday, May 12, 2021
-word problem
*questions are all from homework and practice