How to defend yourself from attacker?

Member 1
(Imanina binti Ibrahim)

Member 2
(Diane Sendun Anak Belaja)

Flow of the video

Introduction (20 seconds)

Member 1 (1.5 minutes)

Demonstration 1 (20 seconds)

Member 2 (1.5 minutes)

Demonstration 2 (20 seconds)

Member 3 (1.5 minutes)

Demonstration 3 (20 seconds)

Member 4 (1.5 minutes)

Demonstration 4 (20 seconds)

Conclusion (20 seconds)

By doing self defense moves.

Examples of self defense moves:
Hammer Strike
Using your car keys is one of the easiest ways to defend yourself. Don’t use your fingernails, because you’re more at risk to injure your hands. Instead, if you feel unsafe while walking at night, have your keys stick out from one side of your fist for hammer strikes.
Elbow Strike
If your attacker is in close range and you’re unable to get enough momentum to throw a strong punch or kick, use your elbows.

Member 4
(Zamzaila Adilla binti Abd Latif )

Using weapons to defend ourselves.

Using surrounding objects as weapon.

Arm yourself with legal defense gadget.

Ball pen.

Handbad stripe.

High heels.



Pepper spray.

Pocket knife.


Stun gun.

These weapons are used for us to hurt the attacker and distract them from us so that we have time to run away from them.

Member 3
(Analyn Anak Jalak)

Make yourself a hard target.

Walk confidently.

Looking ahead.

Make eye contact to show you can take care of yourself.

Don't make yourself look vulnerable by being distracted by your phone or listening to music.

Shout or call for help.

Shout to let other people around you that you need help urgently and run away whenever there is a chance.

Vocalising your rage to scare off the attacker.

Call the police immediately on 999.

Focus on vulnerable areas such as eyes, nose, throat and groin.