The remittance (payments) sent by migrants to their homes
help in the growth of economy of the region. This money is
mainly used by the family for repayment of debts, medical treatment, marriages, children’s education, purchasing
agricultural inputs, construction of houses, etc.
Similarly remittances from the international Indian migrants are
one of the major sources of foreign exchange in India.
States such as Punjab, Kerala and Tamil Nadu receive very large
amount of money from their international Migration of people from Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, to the rural areas
of Punjab, Haryana, has resulted in the success of greenrevolution.
Demographic consequences
- Positive consequences:a. Migration leads to the redistribution of the population within a country.b. It results in balanced distribution of people according to resources.c. Rural-urban migration is one of the important factors contributing to thepopulation growth of cities.2. Negative consequences:a. It results in imbalances in sex composition due to selective male or femalemigration. Large cities have unfavourable sex ratio as compared to rural areasdue to high male immigration.b. Rural areas face shortage of skilled people because most of skilled and semiskilledpeople migrate to urban areas