Industrial relation is a is a study of relationship between employees and their employers. Industrial relations is a strange term because the subject matter of this area has nothing to do with the relationship between one industry and another.
✅ Emergence of trade union
✅development of estate and tin mines
✅Labour movement by Communist Party of malaya
✅ Newly formed unions
✅ Several strikes
✅No legislation on trade union and trade union activity
✅ Employers exert for law
✅ The first law relating to trade unions were implemented in 1940. However, this legislation could not be enforced because of the invasion by Japanese troops in 1941 and their subsequent occupation of Malaya for 4 years
1946's ✅ Government set up 2 major steps:
1) Trade Union Advisor Department (was set up with appointment of a Registrar of Trade Unions)
2) a Trade Union Enactment that containing 3 clauses:
🔒 all trade unions had to be registered
🔒 Federations of trade unions could only be formed by unions in the same industry
🔒 Union officials had to have been employed for a minimum of three years in the industry which they represented.
✏ Historical background of IR in Malaysia is related to the British administration, immigrant workers(China & India) and the development of estates and mines
✏ Indian workers were working in coffee and sugarcane plantation and later rubber estate
✏ Chinese workers were working in tin mines
✏ In return they were given food and wages
✏ the establishment of Chinese Workers Guild - resembling the characteristics of trade union
✏ Migrant Chinese has operated their own business in towns
✏ Some opened tin mines but many came without any money and forced to work in tin mines with poor conditions
✏ Law were enacted to face the problem of "forced labour" for example " in 1877, "Protector of the Chinese" was elected to look into the affairs of the Chinese
✏ Law were also enacted for entry of Indian migrants
✏ Labour laws in the late 1800's and early 1900's mostly were related to the issues of immigration, working conditions of "forced labour",housing, health etc.
✏ in 1912, labour deparments were formed in the Straits Settlement and Federated Malay States.
✏ Laws relating to labour was for those in the mining and plantation sector.
🖊 Communist leader were chosen as leader for workers movement
🖊 an example of incident in 1937, strike occurred among Chinese workers on a British owned estate in Kajang.
🖊 for the main demand is to increase in wage and other demand is to operate trade unions legally
✒ 1938 to 1941 is the most organizations for workers come into existence and functions as societies
✒ Trade union Enactment 1940 has been delayed implementation due to Japanese invasion
✒ in 1945, numerous trade unions and association were formed by workers
✒ in July 1964, Trade union Enacment come into force
Impact of Trade Union Enacment
✅ Limit the involvement of Communist Party
✅ Restrict the size of trade union
✅ Restrict Power
✅ Control trade union movement
The Impact
✅ Some 100 unions were de-registered and disbanded
Prior to1965
🖊 the voluntary system of industrial relations patterned along the British system and the concept of self-government and autonomy within industry was the key to industrial harmony
🖊 To settle any dispute arising there from through their own efforts and through mutually agreed procedures, with minimal State intervention.
September 1965
🖊 The Essential (trade Disputes in Essential Services) regulations, 1965 was publicize
🖊 The designed to ensure that trade disputes in certain scheduled services would not lead to disruption of such services
🖊 These Regulations vested in the Minister of Labour certain power to intervene of his own decision in such disputes and if necessary, to reder them to the Industrial Arbitration Tribunal for settlement
🖊 No strike or lock-out could be declared or where already declared could continue once the Minister had so intervened
❗ was founded in 1919
‼ became the first specialized agency of the UN in 1946
‼ only "tripartite" United Nations agency in that it brings together representatives if goverments, employers and workers to jointly shape policies and programmes
‼Have 183 Member countries
‼ Malaysia is one of the member
‼the main aims are to promote rights at work, encourage decent employment opportunities, enhance social protection and strengthen dialogue in handling work-related issues.
💥 Not involved in collective bargaining 💥 Wages and other terms of services are discussed at the national level between government and CUEPACS
💥Grouped by ministries, departments, statutory body and local authorities
💥 Follow the General Orders (PERINTAH AM MALAYSIA)