Kitchen Counters OR BUST u guys download

Phase 1. Cleanup 31BY005G2CL._AC_SS450_

sweep floors

shopvac counter/ floor

vacuum floors

move things u don't want sticky (optimize dining situation??)

Phase 2. Tape/ Plastic Kitchen-masked-off-with-paper-for-spraying-800

tape underside of counter 4 dripz

plastic off appliances

plastic off the floors

prep tentz?

tape/ plastic off sides of Cabz

Phase 3. More prep and mis en place babieee 89f2b728cba42163faa0e532055b8f28

Wipe/ wipe/ wipe w acetone

emergency touch up plz

prep some rags you'll need em

Roller defuzz

sawhorses up/ station good 2 go


Prep Squeegee

drill/ mixing buckets

Phase 4. Do the thing. maxresdefault

mix 18516_01

pour/ rolling the edges


squeegee 71Bm6f7cHNL._AC_SL1500_


tweeze like yo life depend on it 71Pd1PzWx9L._SL1500_