Treaty of Versailles
Terms and Impact
Paris Peace Conference
January 18, 1919
Exclusion of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Russia from the negotiations
Italy and Japan
Punish Germany and weaken them to prevent them from ever rising up again. Too frequent conflicts such as Franco Prussian War of 1870
Concerned with territorial gains
Pressured to keep Germany weak. However, needed strong Germany to counter Communism and to establish trade links.
Concerned with securing Fourteen Points to ensure world peace
War Guilt Clause
Germany had to accept full responsiblity for the WWI
Angered at having to accept false sole responsiblity. Humiliated and wronged as they feel they did not deserve total blame.
Pay compensation for all the damage. 6.6 billion pounds in the form of goods, especially coal
Germany was suffering from economic problems due to war + lost 15% of active male population: unrealistically high and would keep Germany poor for many years and keep its economy down
Unfair and harsh, Allied powers should also bear some responsibility as they contributed to starting the war --> extremely bitter (workers in Ruhr went on strike)
1923: France abused power: sent army to Ruhr to confiscate coal and other goods --> not fair
Territorial reductions
Lost all overseas colonies
Lost Alsace Lorrain and the profits from the Saar coal region to France
Territory between Germany and East Prussia given to Poland to form Polish Corridor
Forbidden to unite with Austria
Economical Impact
Weakened Germany economy to the point where recovery was almost impossible
Loss of territories which generate raw materials (Saar coalfields + colonies), loss of trade centers (colonies)
Social/political impact
Injured German pride and reduced Germany's standing amongst the world powers
Destroyed the political unity of the German people
Germans in East Prussia and Austria-Hungary were territorially separated
Size of army limited to 100,000 men and navy limited to 15,000 men
Not allowed to have submarines, tanks or air force
Demilitarisation of Rhineland
Dangerous consequence as the were vulnerable to attacks from surrounding enemy countries
Loss of jobs in defence sectors
Self determination
Austria-Hungarians given the right to self governance
Ethnic communities separated: Many nationalities found themselves outside of nation-states such as Germans in Czchecoslovakie
Angry as self determination only applied to winners of war #
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Demilitarisation of Rhineland meant that Germany was not allowed to defend its borders with France