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Science and Communism, Also consider AfP - Coggle Diagram
Science and Communism
Key Themes/Questions
(1) Tensions between elites and non-elites, and the concept of the lay-expert divide (& how these gaps were bridged in fulfilment of political ideology)
Does this show that technocracy is incompatible with communism?
**Note also how China slowly moved towards technocracy in the 1970s-80s, but that was only because it was under Deng's rule (and Cheng/White argued that Deng was essentially trying to move China towards a 'capitalist' economy)
- But then again, the term 'technocratic' has been used to describe the Bolsheviks/Lenin... so you need to consider what this means for your argument
- Is it an anomaly... is it because of a willingness to forgo certain communist principles/ideologies to achieve the vision of the state?
(2) The Masses: How to 'mobilise' the masses, and how this affected science/tech
(3) The Cold War and the inaccurate portrayal of communism as 'damaging' science; The Cold War forced the construction of false dichotomies!
(4) What did it mean for technology to transfer, especially with regards to across systems with differing political ideologies?
- The work of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
- Marx sought materialism as the basis to understand why and how society develops/change
- Materialism: That things in the world are a result of material interactions. Thoughts, ideals and ideologies are merely products of the material brain!
Dialectical Materialism
- In short, this argues that material needs are what shape society and cause conflict
- Conflicts and arguments arise because of the material conditions (social, or economic), rather than a result of spiritual/mental processes/ideologies
Dialectical materialism affects how scientists view the natural world!
- Hessen: Dialectical materialism for the sciences means that the sciences must be interested in studying things about the MATERIAL world (forms of movement of matter, their inter-connections, inter-relationships and development)
- "Knowledge derives from the influence of the material world on the knowing subject"
- And so, the basis of all science is social and economic theory, rather than things like atoms etc. (rejecting reductionism)
L2 Graham (Role of Authentic Dialectical Materialism)
- This chapter helps to understand how scientists in the USSR incorporated dialectical materialism in their ideas/scientific thinking
- Graham also explains what exactly dialectical materialism was; noting that in dialectical materialism, there were various levels of nature (so you can't reduce biological laws to social laws)
- The 3 case studies: Prelinguistic thought, the origin of life, and quantum mechanics
--> To dispel the belief that Marxism was 'bad' or 'damaged' science based on Lysenko alone; to show that there were SUCCESSFUL scientists who produced valuable ideas using Marxist ideologies
Structure of Society
- Base (means of production and relations of production) maintains the Superstructure (art, science, education, ideology, law... etc.)
- The bourgeoisie are the class that OWNS the means of production, and the proletariats are the ones being exploited (relations of production)
- A mismatch in the base (the means of production and relations of production have friction) = revolutions/change
Critiques of Capitalism
- Theory of Alienation: Workers are not in-charge of the production of goods, and are subjected to the exploitation of the bourgeoisie and fail to realise that they are a self-realised person
- Commodity Fetishism: Viewing relationships as not among people, but by means of the goods and money exchanged
So, workers should SEIZE the means of production themselves
--> Power to the people! Revolutionary struggles to class equality
So, this relates to Marxist's conception of the states of history, whereby the ideal end-state of society is communism (revolutions against the capitalist system produces socialism)