Must-know tips
for exercising
in hot weather πŸ”₯

How much to drink?

How to dress?

When to do sports?



In the morning β˜€οΈ

In the evening πŸŒ‘

Between 10 and 16


Drink a lot of water


At least 2 litres a day

Hydrate regularly
while exercising

1 or 2 sips every 10 minutes

Only drink when thirsty

Don't drink at all

Cause damage to muscle tissue levels

Increase the risk of injury

Choose wide and
breathable garments

Help sweat pass out

Keep your skin dry

Cool down your body easily

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Wet your head πŸ’§

Avoid heatstrokes

Wear a hat 🧒

Protect you from the sun’s rays

Prevent sweat from dripping over your eyes πŸ‘€

Apply sunscreen

Prevent sunburn

Change your schedule
if the weather's very hot

Work out at home or in the gym

Try a water sport (swimming πŸŠπŸ»β€β™€οΈ)