10 best projects on Water ressource engineering

1- Ground water pollution overview

4- Study of water supply system in your city

ground water contamination occuswater man-make products such as gosoline, oil, road.

sults and chemicals get into the ground water and cause it to become unsafe and unfit for human use

materials from the land's surface can move through the soil and end up in the ground water

2- Defluoridation of water using tamarind gel

the tamarind fruit cover pouder can effectively remose fluoride from drinking.

the tamarind fruit cover also easily available naturally and is a waste product of many fruit pulp industries so it is quite cheap.

it is the very simple cheap defluaridation agent

3- Evaluation of Groun water quality

in order to invistigate the water quality, sampling was done in more than 20 open dug wells, the chemical parametres were analysed, and water quality index was determined.

in this regard, langelier saturation index (LSI) Ryznar stability index (RSI), puckorius scaling index (PSI), and aggressivenes index (AI) were considered to determine water suitability for industrial purposes.

a water supply system consists of infrastructure that collects, treats, stores, and distributes water between water sources and consumers.

in this project you can study about:

requirements of good distribution system ( grid, ring, radial...)

pipeline maintence

metering system

6- Arsenic removal from ground water by Coagulation

5- Rural water quality survey

this study examined the relationship betwween the bacteriological contamination of drinking water from private wells and acute

gastrointestinal illness (AGII), using current government standards for safe drinking water

the aim of the present expermental study was to perform a technical-economic evaluation of a combined treatment system, consisting of coagulation-flocculation or rapid sand filtration as pre-treatment fllowed by culoum adsorption

7- Water table contour map for a particular area

a water level contour map is a common tool used by a hydrogeologist ti indicate groundwater flow directions and to test the continuum approach.

water table contour lines can be used to tell which way groundwater will flow in a given region.

8- Treartment and reuse of automobile service station wastewater for vegetation

wash water was collected from two service stations in the seleted city and thr effluent was characterised for different parametres such as ph, turbidity, conductivity, total solids....

10- Water purification by root zone method

9- A case study of institutional water supply and waste disposal system

in this case study select your univercity and study about the water supply and its disposal systems.

in the end select the best possible system thet can be adopted to minimise the cost and the save water.

also study about how you can reuse the waste water for gardening of your univercity.

Root Zone is a scientific term used to cover all the biological activity among different types of microbes, the roots of plants, water soil and the sun

it consists planted filter-beds containing gravel, sand and soil.

it is the best and simpler way to purify the water.