Human Development-Transport
Land Transportation
Cabs and vans have increased. Public transportation, its growth is lower.
The excess of private vehicles generates congestion and excessive use of fuel.
There are more than one million vehicles, more in Pichincha and Guayas. Most of them are private.
Public transport, on the other hand, consumes less, due to the number of passengers.
2nd half of the 20th century, construction of highways.
The growth of the automobile fleet, a source of pollution, noise and congestion.
1st half of the 20th century, the Guayaquil-Quito railroad, national transportation.
Traffic Accidents
Guayas 28%
Pichincha 26%
Negligence and recklessness 34%.
Excessive speed 16%
Bad hit-and-run 9.7%
Guayas 20,6%
Pichincha 23,6%
Air Transportation
In Guayaquil, they come from Miami, Madrid and Panama.
International air cargo, for the export of fish, seafood, and flowers.
In Quito, they come from Bogota, Miami and Lima.
Large increase in air transportation within the country.
International air traffic has increased in Quito and Guayaquil.
Marine transportation
Maritime transportation is for exports of bananas, cocoa, coffee and other products.
Imports of consumer goods arrive to the country through maritime transport services.
The port of Guayaquil is the most important, due to the number of ships and the movement of cargo (non-oil).
Other important ports are Puerto Bolivar, Esmeraldas and Manta.