Massive extinctions By Matías Arias
Approximately 440-550 million years ago . In this time the post complex organism lived in water, the 85% of the earth's fauna got extinct because the global cooling and the lower of the sea levels
From 416 to 359 million years ago. This era in known as the "fish era" because there was a great variety o them and in this era the devonian extinction hits the marine creatures because of the global cooling and a possible asteroid impact
Approximately 299-251 million years ago In this tie the supercontinent Pangea was formed.A intense volcanic activity poison the sea and the air, or a with many asteroids cause a massive extinction were the 90% of the species died
From 251 to 199 million years ago, Dinosaurs dominated this era, the breaking up of the Pangea start affecting mostly the ocean animals and dinosaurs evolved and adapted in the Jurassic. There is no a certain cause of what happen but some hypothesis are: asteroid impact, global cooling and volcanic activity
From 145 to 66 million years ago , many of the trees that exist today originated in this era dinosaurs continue dominating. This era is known because an asteroid impact in the earth and extinct dinosaurs.