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Should Teachers Assign Homework, Hook, History and Background, Specialized…
Should Teachers Assign Homework
Homework is learning but continued beyond the limits of a classroom. Concepts taught in a classroom are strengthened through homework.
"Nothing is more powerful for your future than being a gatherer of good ideas and information. That's called doing your homework." Jim Rohn
Have you ever asked yourself, "what is the point of homework"?
Homework dates back to early ancient Rome.
It was created by Pliny the Younger
He created homework to tell his students to practice public speaking at home.
Homework is given to students all around the world.
You mostly get homework when you haven't finished the work you were supposed to finish in the classroom.
Homework keeps students busy at home.
Even though I hate homework, I think homework should be given because it teaches students to continue reviewing work even though they are at home.
Argument #1: Doing homework improves knowledge.
Albert Einstein
Isaac Newton
Emmy Noether
Argument #2: You develop problem solving skills.
Thomas Edison
Benjamin Franklin
Leonardo da Vinci
Argument #3: It encourages discipline of practice.
History and Background
Specialized Information