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Migration - Coggle Diagram
Is essential in every branch of science and is crutial to the stufy of migration
move into a country of destination
move out of a country of origin
in migrant
movement of people into the territory occupied by a specific population
out migrant
movement of people out of the territoruy occupied by a specific population
net migration
difference between the number of inmigrants and out migrants
gross migration
the sum of all inmigrants and outmigrants
internal immigrants
movement of people
push and pull process
ravensteins laws
social network theory
international migration is a well organized activity that is manged by new immigrants
todoros migration model
1976 contributed to the development of migration theory with some general observation
international migration
the movement of individuals and groups of individuals from one country to another
immigration and nationality act
favored immigrants from western adn northern europe
forced immigrants
rural renaissance
first decine in the us urban population since the first census