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Perceiving Others - Coggle Diagram
Perceiving Others
Perception checking: provides a better way to review your assumptions and to share your interpretations pg. 125
I should first look at the behavior, interpret it, and clarify the behavior
Empathy: the ability to recreate another person's perspective to experience the world from his or her point of view pg. 127
relates back to ch. 3 of how we FEEL and THINK about us affects how we interpret others' behavior pg. 113
Standpoint theory: describe how a person's position in a society shapes her or his view of society in general and of specific individuals. pg. 113
when someone hurts me, i usually not let it take over but think of the overall situtation
I sometimes set my expectations high for others thinking that if i do something nice, in return they should do the same
A constructed reality
First-order realities: physically observable qualities of a thing or situation (e.g., your neighbor speaks with an accent) pg. 105
Second-order realities: involve our attaching meeting to first-order things or situations (e.g., the accent makes her sound exotic). pg. 105