The imp observes the party invisibly. If they try to capture it - or worse, meddle with its food – the imp polymorphs into a rat and attempts suggestion on one of the PCs, squeaking at them to take a peep inside a cupboard, or put their head inside the oven. If they do so, the imp topples heavy pots and pans over them, or slams the oven door on their head. The imp uses invisibility to remain hidden, sniping at the party when it can with suggestion, or attempting a well-timed sting. It flees in bird form if cornered, but always returns invisibly. The imp’s greatest weakness is its greed, making it easily caught with fattening bait.
My love, I think the pie is ready in the oven. Do put your head in there to check on it, won't you?
Darling, I'm just too short to reach the top shelf. Be a dear and grab me a pot from up there?