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Leil Lowndes How to instantly connect with anyone - Coggle Diagram
Leil Lowndes How to instantly connect with anyone
Part 1. Seven little tricks to make a great impression before people even meet you
How to develop excellent eye contact in ten easy steps
How to use your eyes to make people crave your approval
How do you make searching eyes?
How to use it in business
How to use it socially
How to use it for romance
How to wear confidence when meeting people
The big day arrives
Not for women only
Home sweet home
How to make people appreciate your introduction
Put their name before their position
Dale vs. Leil
How to get them "Dying to meet you"
How does that help me? I'm not making any speeches
You toot my horn, and i'll toot yours
it also ignites conversation
Always give more than you get
Bring up your friend's fovorite subjects in a group
What is the world's best pickup line?
How to make everyone anxious to hear your opinion
Are you shy?
Three impressive ways to demonstrate deliberation
Part 2. Eleven little tricks to take the "Hell" out of "Hello" and put the "Good" in "Good-bye"
How to have one-of-kind, noticeably outstanding handshake
How to exchange business cards with class
The japanese touch
A cool way to give your card
How to be a successful networking conversationalist
How to give-or avoid- social hugs
Self-defense for hug haters
Now, a note for happy huggers
How to detect if someone's hug is fake
The "I really don't enjoy hugging you" hug
Uncomfortable huggers pat each other's backs!
How to show you like someone without being forward
For those who are in love - or want to be
A time to touch
How to play it cool or play it hot in business and love
From business to pleasure
How to say hello to prestigious people
How to sound highly cultured
More shine for your act
How to meet the people you want
How to make a great last impression
Why are people so obsessed with their first impression but seldom their last
The origin of little trick #18
Part 3. Twelve little tricks to develop an extraordinary gift of gab
How to get lively conversation going with people you've just met
How to turn grumpy stranger into a grabber
The arrival
A surefire technique get a "Great" conversation going
It work wonderfully with friends, too
How to star a friendship with complete strangers
The next step
A fun little trick for going from stranger to acquaintance
The WIIFM (What's in it for me) factor
What about your friends?
How to never hesitate starting or joining a conversation
Become opinionated!
How to make your point when you keep getting interrupted
How could petra have make her point and still saved face?
How to make friends with those who don't speak your native language
The hot italian arrives
How to tailor your talk to your listener(s)
Sometimes your should leave your big words in the dictionary
How to talk to less advantage people
How to save someone from "Dying of embarrassment"
Her emotional prediction tried to save me
How to smoothly change the subject
Here is a little trick
How to know when to never change the subject
It's not just for compliments
How to to give the same answer twice
It's their gaffe. So what can i do?
Part 4. Ten little tricks to actually enjoy parties
How to make friends at a big party
Attention, moms and dads
A postscript for shy people
Unfashionably early inspired another little trick
How to meet the people you want in an unusual way
How to never look lost and lonely at a gathering
How to ask great conversation-starter questions
How to save face when you've forgotten a name
Wait, it could be worse!
What if i forget someone's name right away? (i.e. i wasn't listening)
A smoother way to ask their name
How to hide the fact that you haven't a clue what the're talking about
How to get away from nonstop talkers
How to get rid of hardcore bores
Now for the honest approach
How to deal with VIPs at social events
I plead guilty
"Professional courtesy" means "lay Off"
Part 5. Five little tricks to handle invitations: the good, the bad, and the bummers
How to increase the chances of someone saying "Yes" to your invitation
How to turn someone down while retaining his or her affection
Here is the plan
Ladies, if you want him to ask you out again
How to handle an unavoidable bummer
You mean i can get rid of unwanted guests?
The solution
How to prevent people wishing they'd never invited you
Trouble begins
It happens every day
How to impress guests
A tip for smart single women
When you want to look like a high roller
Part 6. Thirteen little tricks to be a cool communicator
How to play it cool when you're late
How to come out smelling like a rose when you're as guilty as heck
Wonder woman's pow pings!
You too can be invincible in four easy steps
You're never too young to be smart
How to come across as dependable and competent
It's perfect for the office
And for friends, too
How to talk behind people's backs so they love it
Tova strikes again
How to make everyone comfortable speaking with you
When it comes to males, there is more to consider!
Wait, it gets more complicated
Gentlemen, it gets competitive
How to make people look up to you
After lunch
Stay on the right side of the big shot
Another seating strategy
How to exude a more authoritative air
How to make your signature 21 percent more prestigious
How to laugh your way to being respected
Monday morning
If an employee messes up
How to escape bores without hurting their feelings
Here's the plan
How to read people's minds
Social benefits
Part 7. Twelve little tricks to avoid the thirteen most common dumb things you should never say or do
How to avoid people thinking you have no status at your job
How to avoid sounding like someone else rules your life
Don't sound like slave
Take it one step further
How to avoid people saying "Get a life!"
So who got the job?
Yet another smooth move
How to know when not to be friendly
Don't always listen to your friends
How to avoid sounding dishonest
The two words that destroyed him
How to avoid sounding immature
What were they really saying?
How to avoid big cats considering you commonplace
Old habits are hard to quit!
So what's the solution
How should i respond when someone says, "Have a nice day"
How to avoid common dumb phrases people say all the time
How to avoid alienating friends when traveling
How to avoid a common holiday custom that makes you look like a little puss to big cats
The annual "From out family to yours" letter
Part 8. Eleven little tricks to give your e-mail taday's personality and tomorrow's professionalism
How to prove you are special when you are out of the office
Let's dissect her message
Have real intelligence, not artificial intelligence
How to make people smile when they see your message
The opposite is true, too
What if the subject thread is already established?
How to make your E-mail sound confident
How to avoid sounding egotistical in your E-mail
Business E-mail
How to sound like you have a crystal ball
What's the big news from their berg?
Narrow it down even further
What if there is no news "Fit to print?"
Be an archaeologist
A digging expedition for diehards
How to avoid making people think you're goofing off at work
Don't step on people's egos
How to avoid E-mail humiliation - or worse!
What is it?
The answer
Carbon copies, twenty-first-century style
How to avoid your computer getting fired
To BCC or not to BCC
How to sign your messages in the new millennium
Consulting the shrink from cyberspace
Your signature is their name
Part 9. Ten little tricks to make a big impression on your cell (A.k.a. "Phone")
How to know when to E-mail, when to phone
Question answered
How to boost their self-esteem with your cell phone
What about you?
For the agile only
How to deal with a caller when you don't know who the heck it is
Ego-saver when you don't know the caller
How to get rid of "Talk your ear off" people
The kiddie phone scam
How to please them by hanging up on them
When they say "Gotta go," you go
How to sound cool giving your phone number
Speak their "numerical language"
How to impress them with your voice mail message
Blue monday
How to make your phone voice "Music to their ears"
Could it possibly be?
How the phone can reveal who the boss is in a relationship
Part 10. Five little tricks to deepen the relationships you already have
How to win their hearts - a year later!
A year later
Another reason i like this little trick
How to make them always remember your "Thank you"
"Thank you" is more beautiful the second time around
How to give them compliments they'll never forget
A riddle: why is this technique like foreplay?
How to enhance your relationship with your partner
Make the secret not so secret
How to react when your partner calls you the wrong name
Chicken soup cures everything
An insight that could help save your relationship
Your partner by any other name is sometimes sweeter
What about you?
A tip for singles
A final visit to the laboratory
Some real people you've met in how to instantly connect with anyone
Connection: your best investment