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Case study 2: Scottish Forestry - Coggle Diagram
Case study 2: Scottish Forestry
specifics of the organisation
mission statement
"Government agency responsible for forestry policy, support and regulations"
Part it plays
sustainable foresty
foresty in scotland
area in horticulture
Guidance for Management of woodlands
people can apply to them for Felling permission and grants
Reginal Strategic Woodland Creation Project
Creation of woodlands
They offer financial support (such as loans for the first 20hectors of new planting) to aid landowners in starting a forest through the Forestry Grant Scheme
They have made a guide aimed at small land owners/ new starters to help guide them through woodland creation application and/for funding. scheme is for land upto 5 hectares
provide guidance and what to plants and where best to plant
"This work, part of Scottish Forestry’s remit from the Scottish Government, is being undertaken in partnership with four local authorities in the South of Scotland: Dumfries & Galloway, East Ayrshire, Scottish Borders, and South Lanarkshir"
he Scottish Government supports woodland creation as part of future land use in Scotland. This will contribute towards fulfilling Scottish Government targets on climate change and biodiversity targets as well as helping to underpin the sustainable supply of wood products to the Scottish forestry industry
"The current planting target is 12,000 hectares in 2020, increasing to 15,000 hectares per annum by 2024/25. "
A key objective of the Scottish Government is to support and grow the rural economy through sustainable mixed land use where forestry, farming, conservation and sporting interests work well together and are managed in an integrated way
this project is underway, focusing an a piolet areas