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Post coital Headache, Clinical manifesttion, Circle of Willis, :warning:…
Post coital Headache
- History of frequent headaches a/w stress
- Hypertension
- Smoker (5 pack years)
Physical examination
- Unconscious
- GCS 8/15
- BP 180/100mmHg
3 aspects of responsiveness
- eye opening (4)
- verbal responses (5)
- motor (6)
-Severe: GCS 3-8
- Moderate GCS 9-12
- Mild GCSS 13-15
- Presence of neck rigidity
might indicate meningismus, need to rule out
Clinical manifesttion
Treatment & Management
Non pharmacological
1) Supportive measure
- airway
- Breathing
- Circulation
2) Surgical Treatment
- Surgical clipping
- endovascular coiling
- Flow diverters
- focal neurologic complain
- seizures
- autonomic disturbances
- visual symptoms
- cvs instability
- hormonal dysfunction
- epistaxis
- Cerebral Arteriovenous Malformation