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Rs revision for May Mock - Coggle Diagram
Rs revision for May Mock
The need to have a companion. The wali (women's guardian) offers the bride to the groom, this symbolises the groom's responsibility for his wife
The basis of family life. It takes place in a mosque or the brides house, to demonstrate the marriage is under Islamic law.
Divorce is accepted as a legal ending of marriage, but is not preferred
A civil divorce is allowed, but remarriage is not then possible
An annulment is available where there is a complete breakdown, however, if an annulment takes place, remarriage is possible.
If divorce does take place, the wife receives the final part of her dowry and should be treated well.
Remarriage is allowed, as there is no concept o celibacy in Islam
Divorce is allowed as a last resort. Before a couple divorces, they should be helped to be reconciled.
Natural methods of contraception are allowed, such as family planning
Contraceptives that potentially harm the body, or are more permanent (ie sterilisation) are generally not accepted.
Issues of Life and Death
Islamic views
Importance of the wishes of the patient, e.g through a living will
Humanist views
They want people to have access to expert information on end-of-life options and good quality end-of-life care
Some Muslims allow abortion up to 16 weeks depending upon when they believe the fetus becomes a person
The mother's rights are more important than the fetus' rights up until 120 days when it is believed ensoulment takes place
Christian views
God is the creator, only he gives and takes away life
They don't include social situations in this, only if the mother's life is at risk
Heaven and Hell
Heaven (Janna)
For those who die before the day of judgement, the angel of death, Azrail, takes their souls and keeps them in a state of Barzakh
Heaven is a reward for living a faithful and moral life, or suffering persicution because of faith, or fighting in the cause of God
It separates those who have committed a greater proportion of good deeds to bad, and who's intentions were good as well.
Correct answers can only be given by those who recite the Shahaddah and have also lived in submission to God and observed the Five Pillars.
Hell (Jahannam)
After judgement people will have to cross the very narrow bridge of As-Sirat. Those who have collected more bad deeds and intentions than good, will fall as they try to cross, therefore ending up in the terrors of hell.
It is a punishment for those who have failed to live faithfully and morally, and who have not ensured a sufficient weighting of good deeds and intentions.
Some Muslims believe it is not an eternal experience, but a short period, with those repenting receiving pardon.
As well as physical suffering, those condemned to hell will also suffer by being separated from God and having no escape.
It is also thought by some Muslims to be a tool to persuade people to obey God's laws and ways, because the would fear the threat of going to hell.
It is a place of terror, with boiling water, fierce fire and thick black smoke.
Others, however, believe most people find happiness in following the requirements of the Qur'an and learning from the example of Muhammad
Evil and suffering
Iraneus believed that God doesn't prevent evil as that would interfere with free will. Hick and Iraneus believe that God created humans with the potential for spiritual growth.
Some Christians believe humans are born with the original sin from when Adam and Eve ate fruit from the forbidden tree. They believe this results in the built in urge to do things that are bad
For many Christians, suffering is believed to be a part of life with the purpose often unknown. The story of Job teaches that it is wrong to question God about suffering, as humans would be unable to understand the ways of God
Through suffering some Christians believe they understand the suffering of Jesus. For Catholics, it is a mystery concept which is represented in the five sorrowful mysteries of the rosary
The afterlife
Heaven is a place where there is no more sorrow, sin or death
Catholics would say that only good believers go straight to heaven and the rest go to purgatory first, they are cleansed and made ready for heaven
Christians have different view points about heaven: some believe it to be a physical place whilst some believe it to be a spiritual dimension
Many Christians say that only those with faith in Jesus and his death and reincarnation will go to heaven
It is a place where God can be known clearly, and where earthly life and cares are forgotten
Others would argue that as God is omnibenevolent all will ultimately be forgiven and enter into a new relationship with God
Most Christians believe it to be a place of suffering, even torment
Many Christians believe that after judgement day those without faith will remain - in separation from God