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Manuskript Factors influencing project success - Coggle Diagram
Factors influencing project success
Employee motivation
ultra short project model positively impacts motivation
Questionaire oktober vs. April
Herzberg motivational theories - interview JOA og MHE
Coorporate culture
Several cultures exist - production oriented culture (interview 3 MHE / JOA)
OCAI analysis
4 dimensions of culture
include interview with managment team - focus on create / control
Secondary data
Schein - iceberg
Joanne Martin - three perspectives on culture
Cooporate strategy
Management interview 3 : JOA nævner at en klar strategi for salg, udvikling og produktion skal laves seperat
Cooporate strategy needs buy in
Stakeholder management
Risk management
Project success
Organizational profit and growth
Reaching budgets
KPI productivity efficiency
Employees competences
Organizational processes (ISO9001)
Workshop 1 / 2
Vi skal være bedre til at følge processer. Vores processer er for tunge og derfor svært at motivere folk til at arbejde med dem
Feedback fra questionnaires oktober / april
Research questions
What are the main reasons for product development projects failing?
Secondary data
Kerzner - list of reasons.
■ Weak initial business case
■ Business case deterioration
■ Business case requirements that changed significantly over the life of the
■ Technical obsolescence
■ Technologically unrealistic requirements
End-user stakeholders not involved throughout the project
Plan that asks for too much in too little time
■ Poor estimates, especially financial
■ Unclear stakeholder requirements
Plans based upon insufficient data
■ No systemization of the planning process
■ Planning performed by a planning group
■ Inadequate or incomplete requirements
■ Lack of resources
■ Staffing requirements that are not fully known
■ Constantly changing resources
■ Poor overall project planning
■ Established milestones not measurable
■ Established milestones too far apart
■ Environmental factors that have changes causing outdated scope
■ Missed deadlines and no recovery plan
■ Budgets exceeded and out of control
■ Lack of replanning on a regular basis
■ Exact major milestone dates or due dates for reporting not known
■ Poor or fragmented cost control
■ Lack of a clear vision
■ New executive team in place with different visions and goals
■ Corporate goals and/or vision not understood at the lower organizational
Project estimates that are best guesses and not based upon history or
■ Not enough time provided for estimating
Each stakeholder uses different organizational process assets, which may
be incompatible with each other
■ Weak project and stakeholder communications
■ Poor assessment of risks, if done at all
■ Wrong type of contract
■ Technical objectives that are more important than business objectives
■ Assigning critically skilled workers, including the project manager, on a
part-time basis
Minimal or no stakeholder backing; lack of ownership
■ Passive user stakeholder involvement after handoff
■ Unclear or unrealistic expectations
■ Unrealistic assumptions, if they exist at all
■ Assigned resources that lack experience or the necessary skills
■ Resources that lack focus or motivation
■ Lack of attention provided to human and organizational aspects of project
■ Team members working with conflicting requirements
■ People shuffled in and out of project with little regard for schedule
■ Poor project management; team members possess a poor understanding
of project management, especially virtual team members
triple constraints
deviations in planned vs. realized time, scope, cost
Value creation as success criteria
agile vs. waterfall project management
Primary data
Oktober2020 workshops and questionnaires
lack of coordination when handing over projects to different departments
lack of skills and competences
Lack of ressources
Lack of structure in communication
Delays in product launces
Lack of common understanding of processes
Lack of focus on cost vs. sales price
too many projects at the same time
deeper understanding of customer needs is required
Lack of project manager (overall responsible person)
Lack of material for production
Too heavy QMS processes
What is the influence of a quality management system on project performance ?
primary data
primary data
JOA - it is good that we are iso certified as this keeps us on our toes and strive for improvement
Ledelsens evaluering one time every year
claims <1 % of turnover
organizational goals
2 new organizational gials
discuss delivery 70-80 % district heating units on time
Generally a heavy QMS is a disadvantage for an organisation that wants to be agile
based on surveys the ultralight model is more flexiable and increases employee motivation to use the system
secondary data
see research proposal text
it is important that employees are motivated to use the system
Ledelsens evaluering iht. ISO9001 is required
What is the impact of organizational culture on the outcome of projects?
OCAI analysis with management team
Well balanced on all 4 aspects (create, collaborate, control, compete)
Refer to ledelsens evaluering med kvalitetsmål og kundetilfredshed
secondary data
cultural web
cultures influence on strategy development
page 174 - exploring strategy
culture impacts strategy impacts implementation impacts coporate performance
strategic drift - page 180 exploring strategy
organisational subcultures
HRM page 478 organizational culture
connect OCAI results with Scheins Iceberg
What is the influence of employee motivation on project outcomes?
Which improvements can be implemented in KVM-Genvex to increase the success rate of product development projects?
See responses from OCAI analysis
Improvements on create dimension
Improvements on control dimension
See reponses from April questionnaire