Project Due/Closure date pushing out

Some insight on Mainstream Project Due/Closure dates of projects

Just insights - still unpacking the outcomes and actions on the back of it - so bear with - we don't have the full answers here and all the jigsaw pieces yet

Insights are - 'interesting' - need to get to 'so what'. Helping drive a valuable conversation in PM 1:1s

Rewind a bit - for level set - what goes on in the background

Weekly operational run for mainstream - looking at Pending noms, Due - now includes t-30 and long term Blocked. SCREENSHOT OF ONENOTE

A bit manual - safety net, second set of eyes. When stopped this found that things started to slip operationally.

FFWD 6 weeks ago. Weekly Recommendations, PowerFlow, more automated. 30 min a week. Info for PM and PM lead 1:1s. SCREENSHOT OF WR EMAIL

Insight gained based on first few runs

Took snapshot of Due and T-30 on first run of WR

230 Projects were Due (30) or T-30 (200).

Taking that snapshot, able to compare exact same projects...4 weeks

later in another run of WR:

2/3 of those DUE were closed 4 weeks later
1/3 of those t-30 were closed 4 weeks later

What do we do with this info? What does good look like?

Closest to the pin? Sandbagging? Update every single check in call. We know what bad looks like...

Any correlation between PMs pushing out a high % vs a low %?

Did these projects have good COS?

Was there a check in call?

Conscious not to get microscopic on this

WHY do projects move out?

Yes, in nearly all cases

Reopen - project comes 'back to life'

Few technical loose ends - last action on FTA - monitoring, ironing out kinks - within scope

Project overrun - it took longer than customer thought

Number or Projects across PMs and Eng that are idle/lost/stuck. No actions. Building on idea from ThomasV of spring clean/Project amnesty. So reaching out to him to understand a bit more

Got Ricardo and thinking - what else can we glean from this