hitler spent most of his time in prison in writing a book called mein kampf or my struggles which is his future plans for germany. his views in the book shows national socialism which needs loyalty to germany,racial purity and a state control in economy, The aryan race is the superior race all other races especially jews are inferior, rearmament of the Armed forces as hitler believed that war and struggle would make a healthy aryan race,lebensraun.(the country needs to expand as germans are cramped in) this is mostly the expenses of poland and the ussr ,nationalise the industry and a leader as debates and discussion of democracy produces weakness and strength lies on loyalty to a leader hitler also found out that the party cant seize power by force.but by working within the democratic system to seize power and once in power they could destroy the system.
after hitler was released from prison, he rebuilds the party through democratic means.He discovers that the communist and strengthening up by recruitment drives and youth organisations.The party did the same as well.
the candidates lies in the reichstag elections with the nazis winning 32 seats.encouraged by this ,hitler established local governments which set up youth organistans such as the hitler youth and the nazi students league