Ongoing Projects
1..Yale Protein Expression Database (YPED). YPED is an institution-wide database for use by proteomics researchers at Yale and outside of Yale
2.Human Immunology Project Consortium - Established by NIAID , generates a wide variety of phenotypic and molecular data from well-characterized patient cohorts, including genome-wide expression profiling, high-dimens
ional flow cytometry and serum cytokine concentrations
3.Center for Expanded Data Annotation and Retrieval (CEDAR). CEDAR is part of the Big Data to Knowledge (BD2K) initiative funded by NIH. It studies the creation of comprehensive and expressive metadata for biomedical datasets to facilitate data discovery, data interpretation, and data reuse.
4.Clinical Natural Language Processing(NLP). To extract and retrieve information from large amounts of clinical notes (unstructured data) for facilitating clinical research, a variety of NLP techniques including the incorporation of ontologies have been explored in different domains including lung/colon cancer, post-traumatic stress disorder, psychogenic nonepileptic seizure, and chronic pain.