The Parable Of The Lost Sheep

Who told this parable?


Why did Jesus tell this parable?

To explain to the Pharisees why he is interacting with the sinners

How does this parable relate to the sinners?

Imagine there are 100 sheep

The sheeps will only follow the Shepard's voice

The Shepard knows all the sheeps' names and always count the sheep almost every hour.

When the Shepard notices one sheep missing as it wonders off, he leaves the 99 sheep in their pen and goes alone to find the missing sheep

The Shepherd would sacrifice so much and would not give up finding that one lost sheep

Once the sheep is found, he/she will put the sheep on his/her shoulders and walk back home

He/she would rejoice and share the news to family and friends.

Humans are represented by the sheep and Jesus is represented by the shepard

Just like the sheep, humans can sometimes get lost

In what ways do they get lost?

Lost trust in God

Separate ways with God

Lost faith in God

Sinned majorly

Why do Jesus/God want to keep finding us when we are lost?

They know we are:




Just like in the bible, it is written:

“God looks for them and doesn’t give up, until He finds them."

All the shepards are required to know all the sheeps names.

There is only 1 gate to prevent robberies or thieves

Normally the gate is guarded by a gate keeper

This shows that how God keeps us from sinning, even being tempted to fell into sin.

We are easily lost, easily influenced and tempted to fall into sin.

We cannot fight sin using our strength, sheep are foolish animal, very easy distracted, deceived by property, position, worldly things, very easy to tortured, do not have the ability to fight back.

The devil will not leave the sheeps alone

Evil will tempt us with trickery, some even using violence.

How does the shepards take care of the sheep?

Using his voice

Through his sacrifices

Sheeps only listen to shepards voice

This voice is the word of God.

The less we are listening to the Word has the potential to fall into sin.

In John 10:11 Jesus gave His life to protect us, who dared to fight the wolves that come to bite the sheep.

As we feel more sacrifice of Christ on the cross, the more we will not want to sin


They are:


Like to wonder



Not independent

Cannot detect danger

Always waiting for someone to lead


Know all their name and would count them at least once a day

Would carry the sheep on their shoulders when they are lost

Would protect the sheep from harm

God carried us, he put us on his shoulder, when he finds us as a lost sheep.

He considers us important not because we are strong, great and smart but because we are weak and helpless.

No joy is more beautiful to God than to find us as lost sheep.

There is a Rejoice when the lost
sheep are found.

Luke 15: 6, “And when he arrived home he called his friends and neighbors and said To them, Rejoice with me, for the sheep that were lostI have found it. “

Shepards call sheep by their name

It is normally an honor and respect

Jesus calls us by name, this means that we are something to His eyes