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Chapter 28: Cold War and a New Western World - Coggle Diagram
Chapter 28: Cold War and a New Western World
Europe and the World: Decolonization
Allied war aims: self-determination
WWII destroyed power of European states = no means to maintain colonies =
Africans unprepared for self-rule (formed political parties for independence, led by West-educated Africans)
Used terrorism to demand
(freedom) from British
Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria gained independence
Political activity by local blacks formed
African National Congress
South African whites created racial segregation system,
After WWII more independent states emerged in the Middle East = approved independent Jewish and Arab state (Palestine)
Nasser promoted Pan-Arabism or Arab unity
Egypt formed
(Palestine Liberation Organization) to represent Palestinians interests
Guerilla movement called
launched terrorist attacks on Israeli territory (led by
Yasir Arafat
Six-Day War
: Israel launched air strikes against Egypt and some Arabs, broke the blockade, occupied Jerusalem, attacked Syrian military positions
British negotiated w/
Indian National Congress
to create two countries: Hindu (India) and Muslim (Pakistan)
Mahatma Gandhi
objected to division
If divided they would fight in an
"orgy of blood"
Chinese Communists led by
Mao Zedong
fought war against Nationalists
Communist Party won = built socialist society (collectivize private farmland and nationalized industry + commerce)
Collective farms failed to increase food production =
Great Leap Forward
(collective farms combined into "people's communes"
Wanted to create classless society, but Great Leap Forward = decrease in food production
Recovery and Renewal in Europe
Weapon development elevated Soviet status as world power
Stalin removed all opposition to his rule
Khrushchev ended forced-labor camps, he condemned Stalin
by reducing secret police and closing prison camps
Allowed intellectual freedom
Caused turmoil in Communist ranks =
Hungarian uprising
Albania and Yugoslavia had Communist resistance movements, but was still taken over by Communists
Eastern European satellite states followed
(5-year plans w/ emphasis on heavy industry, collectivize agriculture, no non-Communist parties, secret police and military)
After Stalin died Eastern European states i(+ Khrushchev) interfered less in internal affairs of satellites (but no independence)
Poland and Hungary want to become socialist state
Hungarians revolted b/c of secret police, dissatisfaction, economic difficulties = Soviets reestablish control
Communists parties did well in elections, joined forces w/ other left-wing parties (ex: Social Democrats)
Socialist parties class struggle → social justice and liberty (no demand for end of capitalism)
Christian Democratic parties
: interested in democracy and economic reforms
Charles de Gaulle
believed he needed to reestablish greatness of France
Fragile stability of Fourth Republic (possibility of civil war) = de Gaulle took control
Blamed parties for weakness, wanted strong presidency
Fifth Republic
that enhanced power of president, who would choose prime minister, dissolve parliament, and supervise defense and foreign policy
(gov. ownership) of traditional industries = large gov. deficits = increase in cost of living, consumer prices
Social Democrats (SPD), Christian Democrats (CDU), and Free Democrats (FDP) in Germany
Konrad Adenauer
was the leader of the CDU, cooperated w/ US and Western European nations, reconciled w/ France
West Germany's "economic miracle"
: resurrection of West German economy
West Germany imported
guest workers
WWII led to economic problems in Britain (Labour Party defeated Conservative Party)
Labour gov. enacted reforms to create
Great Britain's welfare state
Nationalization, insurance and health services,
social security
, and nationalized medical insurance
Health act created
socialized medicine
(requites doctors and dentists to work w/ state hospitals, private still possible)
Slow economic recovery, demand of trade unions for high wages, low productivity, lost prewar revenues, burden of debt = Britain not a world power
Italy became a democratic republic
Dominated by Christian Democrats
Marshall Plan stabilized Italian economy ("economic miracle")
European Coal and Steel Community
(ECSC) formed by France, West Germany, and Benelux countries
Created a common market for production, eliminate tariffs and trade barriers
(European Economic Community) or
Common Market
= no customs barriers, large free trade protected by common external tariff
The United States and Canada: A New Era
New Deal = increase in power of federal gov., organized labor, welfare state, minorities
Shortage of consumer goods = extra income and desire to buy
Lyndon B. Johnson pursued
Great Society
(health care for elderly, food stamps and Job Corps, Department of Housing and Urban Development)
Martin Luther King
led movement for racial equality
Riots and extremist comment of black leaders =
"white backlash"
and division
Canada developed industrially (financed by US)
Some welcomed economic growth, other feared US economic domination
Created Canada's welfare state through national social security system and national health insurance program
Postwar Society and Culture in the Western World
Middle class: businesspeople, professionals in law, medicine, and universities → managers and technicians
Less agricultural workers, industrial labor stayed the same, white collar and service jobs increase (rural → urban)
Working class wages rise = aspire to consumption patterns of middle class -
consumer society
Rising incomes, shorter working hours = mass leisure
Popular culture (music, sports, media) commercialized and offered as leisure activities (ex: concerts, sporting events, and television)
WWII = vacation time, prosperity, and flexibility = mass tourism
Welfare state represented power of state over citizens (people live better and more meaningful lives)
No poverty and homelessness, provide medical services, dignity for older people, extending education = satisfy people's material needs and achieve happiness
Family allowances
provided minimum level material care for children (increases pop.)
Welfare state = new gen. of citizens overly dependent on state
Should women be recognized as mothers or individuals?
British and West German welfare system based on belief that women should stay home and be dependent on husbands
Communist gov. provided day-care, family subsidies, and maternity benefits to help working women raise families
French recognized women equal to men = same welfare benefits for working; but provided incentives for women to stay home (+ day-care an dafter-school programs)
Women removed from workforce after WWII = jobs for soldiers
Birth rate increased →
birth-control pill
(decline in birthrate and families)
Working class women earned lower salaries, traditionally female jobs
Late 1960s
women's liberation movement
Simone de Beauvoir
lived a "liberated" life for twentieth-century European woman, argued that women defined by differences from men
Surrealists fled to US in WWII b/c of revolutionary ideas
US dominated art and popular culture
Abstract Expressionism
or "action painting" was energetic, spontanteous
Jackson Pollock
paint seemed to explode, drip = emotion and movement
Pop Art
took popular culture images and transformed them into art
Andy Warhol
adapted images from commercial art (ex: soup cans, photos of celebrities)
"Theater of the Absurd"
Samuel Beckett's
Waiting for Godot
the action is unrealistic, nothing happens, no background info, disillusionment
Meaninglessness in Theater of the Absurd started from
Anxieties of twentieth century, well known through
Jean Paul Sartre and Albert Camus
Absence of God, humans have hope in themselves, man is what he makes himself
Religious thinker and leaders attempted to revive Christianity
Pope John XXIII
summoned ecumenical council of Church = liberalized Catholic practices
Wars = less involvement in religion
Popular culture tied to mass consumer society
Motion pictures diffused popular culture
Ingmar Bergman
was a filmmaker compared to novelist or playwright
François Truffaut and Federico Fellini
were directors who experimented w/ subject matter
Rock 'n' roll artists like
Elvis Presley
inspired the
(wo invaded US w/ music)
Development of the Cold War
and partitioning of Germany
Soviets took reparations from Germany and took factories
British, French, and Americans merge zones economically → West German federal gov.
used against Soviet moves to contain Communism
US and Soviets disagree on postwar Europe, unity only b/c of urgent threat
: Soviet Union and US
Joseph Stalin: Soviet rule = no freedom and fear of Communism
Suspicion b/c of fear of competition
Stalin didn't want democracy in Eastern Europe = Red Army created pro-Soviet regimes = West feared Stalin's expansion
Unrest in Greece and Turkey = Truman scared of British weakness and possible Soviet expansion =
Truman Doctrine
US provide financial aid to countries threatened by Communism expansion
Marshall Plan
: provided money for economic recovery (European Recovery Program)
Under belief that Communists fed off economic turmoil
Berlin blockade
: no trucks or trains can pass western zones of Berlin
Want to halt creation of West German state
Berlin Airlift
: gave supplies to west Berlin
Official separation of Germany into Federal Republic of Germany (West) and German Democratic Republic (East)
Started arms race =
mutual deterrence
(one nation launched nuclear weapons = other nation will respond)
: (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) treaty w/ US and US aligned countries
: (Council for Mutual Economic Assistance) meeting w/ Soviets and Soviet aligned countries→
Warsaw Pact
(formal military alliance)
Korean War
= Korea removed from Japan control, Soviets and US divide country into two zones
Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea - Communist) vs. Republic of Korea (South Korea - anti-Communist)
North Korea invade South Korea = US and United Nations send troops = China intervenes and enters war
Vietnam War
= Vietnam separated into Communists and anti-Communists
Ho Chi Minh
(Communist) formed Vietminh
Massive retaliation
: full use of US nuclear bombs to counteract Soviet ground attack
: prevent Soviet Union from expanding at expense of south neighbors (Central Treaty Organization)
: US, Britain, France, etc. allied (Southeast Asia Treaty Organization)
(or cooperation) ceased when Soviets crushed Hungary's attempt at independence
Soviets launched
Sputnik I
(first space satellite)
US feared
"missile gap"
btwn US and Soviets
Nikita Khrushchev
said if West don't remove forces from West Berlin he would give control of access routes to East Germans
Berlin Wall
created to cut off refugees from West Germany and West Berlin (symbol of divided Europe)
Fidel Castro
overthrew Cuban dictator and established Soviet's totalitarian regime
US attempt to invade Cuba via
Bay of Pigs
Cuban Missile Crisis
: Nuclear weapons too close to US = Americans blockade Cuba