Module 7: Amputees (post mind map)
I will consider more within my assessment of the patient the energy requirements when first assessing the patient, as part of considering their overall pathway/outcome. Also much more aware of gait kinematics.
Complex, multifactorial considerations for outcomes/suitability for prosthesis; MDT input is crucial.
Consideration if ICF is crucial
Interesting the literature debates age as an independent indicator for prosthesis; I would say in my (limited) clinical experience that it should not be heavily weighted, as determination can drive people to achieve many seemingly challenging goals.
Much more thorough understanding of the AMPAT/AMPRO/AMPnoPRO. Not something we currently routinely use, however I now plan to use this with any amputee I manage in the future.
In clinical experience there have frequently been difficulties with having 3rd parties involved; such as NDIS in pt's overall journey. Often delays in D/C due to this.
Further investigate the pathways for funding models and PT role in this. Currently I only have an extremely basic understanding of this.
PT has crucial role in pre- and post- amputation management; from our core business with knowledge of movement + function through to complex D/C planning and supporting patients emotionally through this difficult journey (especially in rural areas, where there may be nil social work or psychologists).
Hands on exploration of different types of prosthesis at placement; suits my learning styles to understand how an unusual stump may be matched to a suitable prosthesis.
Will be able to have a much more detailed and knowledgeable conversation with the Prosthetist and Specialist physician around the goals of the amputee, what functional (K -Level) they may be aiming for. Previously this would have been at a very superficial level.
In the Rehab setting, infrequently see amputees (1-4 per year).
Discuss / review patients who have previously had an amputation who may be in for unrelated issues about their prosthesis/journey to gain overall broader understanding.
Little knowledge about Osteointegration; a literature review around outcomes, ?failure rates and complications.
Much better understanding of the prosthetic componentry and the functional reasons/considerations for this. Able to relate this directly to my knowledge of gait re-training with new prosthesis.
Literature review to see if the are any guideline for culturally sensitive practice for Indigenous Australians
Thoroughly enjoyed my clinical placement to the Amputee / Prosthetic clinic; came away with a much broader view of the amputee journey, and a reasonable understanding of the process involved in prosthetic prescription.
Reviewing some literature for assessments 2 + 3 gave me a much greater knowledge base; makes me feel more empowered to know that in certain areas we provide evidence based practice, but can now act on some changes that need to occur to further meet guidelines.