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Travel Characteristics - Coggle Diagram
Travel Characteristics
System Extent 系統乘載
the size or number of assets that compose that system.
often incorporated into an inventory database, is used to compare one system to
another and to calculate productivity factors for agency operations
Functional Classification機能分級
System Use
predicting future system use.
transportation system is howmuch it is used.
System Performance
most visible and important transportation system characteristics to local decision makers and the general public
associated with the
ability to travel
by multiple modes,
the ease with which travelers can make a trip
relates to a traveler’
ability to reach a destination
When land is developed with greater density and multiple land
uses are clustered together, accessibility to goods and services may be enhanced.
A balance between mobility and accessibility is often necessary to achieve community goals.
Accessibility determines the adequacy of the transportation system and the value to related activities, such as commerce, employment, recreation, and overall quality of life
most important goal of transportation agencies
umber of fatalities, number of injuries, fatalities per100 million vehicle miles
traveled (MVMT), and injuries per 100 million vehicle miles traveled
developing countries experience skyrocketing fatality rates as automobile ownership increases dramatically and as
System Condition
deteriorating physical condition of transportation system assets is one of the significant challenges facing transportation
systems in many countries.
data on the condition of the infrastructions
a large share of future investment dollars is going to be allocated simply to keep the existing
infrastructure in a state-of-good repair.
Urban travel characteristics
The most important patterns relate to the availability
and costs of different modes of transportation
Population Characteristics
transportation planning relies heavily on credible population and employment forecasts
Urban travel is heavily influenced by the demographic characteristics of the traveling population
Population Growth
Household Characteristics and Vehicle Availability
Spatial Distribution of Growth
Travel Characteristics
Trip Purpose
Travel demand is considered a derived demand, meaning that trips are taken to achieve some purpose at a destination
Multipurpose single trips are another important phenomenon that has occurred with increasing frequency over the
past several decades. Known as trip chaining,
Another qualifier often attached to “trip purpose” is whether one end of the trip occurs at the traveler’s home
Travel Patterns
transportation officials can influence
these patterns through public policies intended to affect land use and household/ employment location decisions.
transportation officials can influence
these patterns through public policies intended to affect land use and household/ employment location decisions
Temporal Distribution
the trip peaking phenomenon reflects individual travelers’ combined desires of being places more or less at
the same time.
The time of day when trips occur is another important characteristic of urban travel patterns, one that leads to system
congestion when many of these trips occur in the same time periods
Mode Usage
individuals choosing one mode over another for different trip purposes depends on a variety of
factors, many of which are often masked when using national data.
Who rides (social-demographic)
Transit Studies
qual ity of existing services and help establish the need for service improvements.