TRANSLATION STUDIES It deals with the transfer of linguistic information from one language to another.
CLINICAL LINGUISTICS OR SPEECH PATHOLOGY OR LINGUISTIC APHASIOLOGY OR PSYCHOLOGUISTIC APHASIOLOGY presents biological models and hypotheses to explain the functioning of language in our brain and provides diagnosis and treatment of language problems detected in individuals.
LANGUAGE PLANNING refers to all the activities of intervention over linguistic practices, this includes function, management, the process of standardization, policies on education matters.
COMPUTATIONAL LINGUISTICS develops theories and techniques that serve to process natural language into machine language, this has developed its own formalisms, syntax, lexis, such as translation, the transformation from written to spoken language, production of texts.
ETHNOLINGUISTICS OR ANTHROPOLOGICAL LINGUISTICS is concerned with the connections between linguistics and a particular view of the world.
SOCIOLONGUISTICS explores the inter-relationship between linguistic and society or social background (Hudson,1981)
PSYCHOLINGUISTICS is centered on the study of language learning as cognitive process, neurolinguistics, the process of acquiring language or the internal factors and their effect on language learning.