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Sports are designed around men — and that needs to change - Coggle Diagram
Sports are designed around men — and that needs to change
Women need as good equipment as men. No brand created good equipment dedicated to women and they need to create it by themselves.
be designed for sb
be suitable for sb/sth
struggle for years with sth
come up against sth
the severe lack of sth
There is no research on what women should eat and drink and how they should train to be more effective at sports. The information is based on research on men.
be on a mission to do sth
be at a disadvantage = być w niekorzystnej sytuacji
underlying research
effective training
gender discrimination = dyskryminacja ze względu na płeć
lawsuit = pozew sądowy
trial = proces (w sądzie)
governing body = rada administracyjna, kierownictwo
counterpart = odpowiednik (osoby, instytucji)
nutrition = odżywanie, żywienie, dietetyka
set of sth = zestaw czegoś, zbiór czegoś
menstrual cycle = cykl menstruacyjny
strength training = trening siłowy
robust = zdrowy, silny/solidny/zdecydowany
tailor = dopasować
interval training = trening interwałowy
ketogenic diet = dieta ketogenna
intermittent fasting = post okresowy, przerywany (rodzaj diety)
marginalize = marginalizować, bagatelizować
mindset = nastawienie, sposób myślenia
gear = sprzęt, rzeczy, ubranie
combat sports = sporty walki
chintzy = tandetny, tani, niskiej jakości
resort to sth = uciekać się do czegoś, ratować się czymś
shock absorption = amortyzacja wstrząsów
fist = pięść
shin guard = nagolennik, ochraniacz
collective = zbiorowość społeczna
longevity = długowieczność, długotrwałość
outpouring = duża ilość/ wylew uczuć
competitively = konkurencyjnie
dearth = niedobór, niedostatek
an uphill battle = trudne zadanie
serve = służyć, być przydatnym
encounter = napotkać, natrafiać, doświadczać, stawać wobec
blatantly = jawnie, otwarcie, krzycząco
drop out of = rezygnować
tumbleweeds = roślina niesiona przez wiatr
nutrition = żywienie
(have) deeply impact = (mieć) duży wpływ
marginalize = marginalizować
assume = zakładać
physiology = fizjologia
generalize = uogólniać
frustrated = sfrustrowany
performance = wyniki, przedstawienie, występ
outcome = wynik
beyond = za, ponad
encounter = napotkać, natknąć się
counterpart. = odpowiednik
intense = intensywny, głęboki, poważny
community = społeczność, środowisko
combat = walka, zwalczyć
lawsuit = pozew (sądowy)
We are not sure about the future it is still a war, but we need to continue doing research to reveal full potential of women's bodies and give the women ability to develop in sports. One research has just done by University of Waikato.
to walk up
Despite their talent and better scores, female soccer players don't receive as much money as their male counterparts do.
are currently having to
In advance of
at the top
Women's training plans should be adjusted to their menstrual cycle and everyone (including scientists and researchers) needs to understand it.
to deeply impact
a fundamental aspect of sth
drop out of sth
patterns in sth
particular to sb
be (more) at risk of sth
In adverts woman's desire to do sport is not taken seriously (even though for them it can be very important). Le is also trying to change the way of treating trans women and intersex athletes, who are often excluded from sport's industry (there's no research on them etc.)
a serious dearth of sth
a recipe for sth
be interested in doing sth
face a lack of sth
be alienating for sb
7.Women finally get the equipment they deserve
have challenging conversations
keep on doing sth