A global Conflict
The Legacy of the War
WWI was in many ways, a new war.
War Affects the Home Front
New technology
Governments Wage Total War
Women and the War
Global scale
New scale of death and destruction
War affects the world
The Great War, as the conflict came to be known, affected everyone. It touched not only the soldiers in the trenches but civilians as well.
By the time the United States joined the Allies, the war had been raging for nearly three years. In those three years, Europe had lost more men in battle than in all the wars of the previous three centuries.
Both sides of the war paid a tremendous price of life
8.5 Million soldiers died (21 million wounded)
As the war raged on many tried to find a way to end the stalemate.
Many civilians died as well.
The Gallipoli Campaign was a promising strategy to capture the ottoman capital of constantinople thus opening a supply line to Russia.
20 million people died from the flu
Numerous facilities were converted to munitions factories. Nearly every able-bodied civilian was put to work. Unemployment in many European countries all but disappeared.
The Allies win the war
So many goods were in short supply that governments turned to rationing. Under this system, people could buy only small amounts of those items that were also needed for the war effort.
World War I soon became a total war. This meant that countries devoted all their resources to the war effort. In Britain, Germany, Austria, Russia, and France, the entire force of government was dedicated to winning the conflict. In each country, the wartime government took control of the economy.
Governments also suppressed antiwar activity, sometimes forcibly. In addition, they censored news about the war. Many leaders feared that honest reporting of the war would turn people against it. Governments also used propaganda to keep up morale and support for the war.
The war also had a huge economic impact as well.
Russia Withdraws
Why did the allies want to open a supply line to russia: Because with russia running out of supplies if they could open a supply line it would cause the central powers to send more and more troops up against the Russians since their troops are now freshly supplied and each Russian soldier would have a gun causing a huge impact in the war.
The Central Powers Collapse
Severely drained the treasuries of European Nations.
The total cost was about 338 Billion
Total war meant that governments turned to help from women as never before. Thousands of women replaced men in factories, offices, and shops. Women built tanks and munitions, plowed fields, paved streets, and ran hospitals. They also kept troops supplied with food, clothing, and weapons.
Although most women left the work force when the war ended, they changed many people’s views of what women were capable of doing. Women also saw the horrors of war firsthand, working on or near the front lines as nurses and relief workers.
It also destroyed a lot of farmland, homes, villages and towns.
After the Gallipoli Campaign failed the battle shifts to Africa and Asia where Germany was losing many colonial possessions from the Japanese and other allied countries british and french attacked all four of germany's African possessions and captured 3 of them
The war also left huge affects on the Western World as well
A huge sense of disillusionment was left among the survivors.
When the US joined the Allies, the war seemed to be going the Allies' way. Before that happened, Russia gave Germany a victory along with a new hope.
Why did the wartime governments take control of their countries' economies?
This was because governments needed to be able to use any and all supplies needed to supply the troops at war.
A lot of the despair of the time is reflected in the art and literature of the time
elsewhere in Africa and Asia The british and french employed the subjects of their colonies to fight and many did hoping it would lead them to their freedom
The peace agreement also left a big mark as well
In March of 1917, unrest forced the Czar to step down, because of the shortages of food and fuel. A provisional government was put in his place, who pledged to continue the war
The treaty was formed after great debates and compromise
How did Total War lead to rationing?
The treaty did give peace to the world, but at the same time, it left the German people angry for the treatment they were given.
Total War lead to rationing because there were so many people who were working which meant that people were buying more food.
What strategies new to WWI probably contributed to the destruction of homes, villages and farms?
Things like the mortar, tank and artillery probably contributed because they were really good at destruction and the artillery was not reliable with aiming. So, weapons like the Paris Gun that shot 75 miles away could go stray and destroy parts of towns that are miles away.
In 1917 the war shifted to the high seas as German sub warfare intensified that had been going on since shortly after the war began and announced they would sink any and all ships without warning around Britain. The Germans had tried this policy before in 1915 but stopped after America Strongly protested after two more final attacks germany agreed to no longer attack neutral ships.
But, by 1917, about 6 million soldiers of Russia's army had been wounded or killed. This resulted in the army refusing to fight anymore. In the later months of 1917, Russia had a revolution, and a new leader named Lenin took power. He proposed that he wanted Russia to pull out of the war.
Why might Westerners might have experienced disillusionment in the wake of WWI?
They experienced disillusionment because it made them come to the realization of how bad the war actually was with the new technology. They came in to help the already drained French troops and saw what the impact of the war had on them.
Change: To make or become different - Because of WWI women were seen as stronger and more able like men.
desperate for an advantage over the allies though the germans began their unrestricted sub warfare again thinking they could starve britain before american forces could mobilize and after ignoring the warnings from president wilson Germany sunk three american ships
One of the first things he did was offer Germany a truce to end the war between Russia and Germany. In March 1918, Russia and Germany signed the Brest-Litovsk Treaty which ultimately ended the war between them.
after Americans intercepted a message between Mexico and Germany stating that germany would help mexico regain the land it lost the the United states if they joined germany and that was the final straw and pushed america to join the allied war effort
With Germany's alliance with Russia now in place, Germany could focus all their forces that were on the Western front, in the East. In March, they mounted the last, massive attack on the Allies in France. By May, they were about 40 miles from Paris.
How did the Zimmerman note draw America into the war?: The note represented a direct threat to the american people and their way of life and proved to be the last straw for the American people as many already supported the allied war effort.
Industrialization: This is industrialization because they were making rapid improvements in military technology
War: This shows war because they were in war
On April 2, !917 President Woodrow Wilson asked congress to declare war so the united states could enter world war 1
[More information on the zimmerman note}(https://www.archives.gov/education/lessons/zimmermann)
war: The world is at war right now which is a really big conflict
Authority: President Wilson had to ask congress to declare war cause only congress has the authority to declare war
By now, the Germans had been weekend. The push to the Marne River had exhausted lots of men and supplies. A counterattack was launched by the allies and 140,000 US troops when they sensed the Axis' weakness.
This battle was called the 2nd Battle of the Marne. Leading the battle were about 350 allied tanks, which crushed the German lines. With the help of 2 million more American troops, the Allies began their steady advance to Germany.
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After that, the central powers began to collapse. The Bulgarians and Ottomans surrendered, revolts began to happen in Austria and Germany people turned on the Kaiser. In November, Germany declared themselves as a republic.
What effect did the Russian Revolution have on Russia’s role in World War I?
It removed Russia from the war and brought about the transformation of the Russian Empire into the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)
How did the surrender of the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria and the revolution in Austria-Hungary lead to the end of World War I?
When all of these things happened, Germany was all alone against the allies. they chose to stop fighting/surrender rather than fighting and unwinable war