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Farao stad
Palermo stone predynastic series.jpg [King 01 (missing)] Only known from the Palermo stone[7] Unknown
Palermo stone predynastic series.jpg Wazner Only known from the Palermo stone[13] Ruled around or earlier than 3180 BC
Palermo stone predynastic series.jpg [King 09 (destroyed)] Only known from the Palermo stone[14] Unknown
Serekhs Ny Hor.jpg Ny-Hor Only known from clay and stone vessels found in tombs near Tarchan, Tura, Tarjan, and Nagada Naqada II??
EB1911 Egypt - Early Art - King Narmer, Slate Palette.jpg
Regrouped here are predynastic rulers of Upper Egypt belonging to the late Naqada III period, sometimes informally described as Dynasty 00.
— [Fish[17]] Only known from artifacts that bear his mark, around 3250–3220 BC. He most likely never existed.[16] Naqada III
— [Scorpion I] First ruler of Upper Egypt, around 3250 – 3200 BC. Naqada III
The following list of predynastic rulers may be incomplete. Since these kings precede the First Dynasty, they have been informally grouped as "Dynasty 0".
NarmerPalette-CloseUpOfNarmer-ROM.png Narmer Believed to be the same person as Menes and to have unified Upper and Lower Egypt. Around 3100 BC[25]
GlazedFiaenceVesselFragmentNameOfAha-BritishMuseum-August21-08.jpg Hor-Aha Greek form: Athotís. Around 3050 BC
Djer stela retouched.jpg Djer Greek form: Uenéphes (after his Gold name In-nebw); His name and titulary appear on the Palermo Stone. His tomb was later thought to be the legendary tomb of Osiris. 54 years[26]
Den label.jpg Den Greek form: Kénkenes (after the ramesside diction of his birthname: Qenqen[28]). First pharaoh depicted wearing the double crown of Egypt, first pharaoh with a full niswt bity-name. 42 years[27]
PotterySherdWithNameOfSemerkhet-PetrieMuseum-August21-08.jpg Semerkhet Greek form: Semempsés. First Egyptian ruler with a fully developed Nebty name. His complete reign is preserved on the Cairo Stone. 8 1⁄2 years[27]
CroppedStelaOfQaa.JPG Qa'a Greek form: Bienéches. Ruled very long, his tomb is the last one with subsidiary tombs. 34 years
Sneferka.png Sneferka Very short reign, correct chronological position unknown. Around 2900 BC
BirdFraegment.png [Horus Bird] Very short reign, correct chronological position unknown. Around 2900 BC
Hotepsekhemwy.jpg Hotepsekhemwy[30] (Boethos) Manetho names him Boëthos and claims that under this ruler an earthquake killed many people. 15 years
Nebra Hotepsekhemwy vase.png Nebra[31] (Kaiechos) Greek form: Kaíechós (after the Ramesside cartouche name Kakaw). First ruler who uses the sun-symbol in his royal name, could be identical to king Weneg. 14 years
Statue nynetjer RMO.jpg Nynetjer[32] (Binothris) Greek form: Binóthris. May have divided Egypt between his successors, allegedly allowed women to rule like pharaohs. 43–45 years
Weneg.png Weneg-Nebty[33] (Ougotlas / Tlas) Greek form: Ougotlas / Tlás. Could be an independent ruler or the same as Peribsen, Sekhemib-Perenmaat or Raneb. Around 2740 BC
Abydos KL 02-05 n13.jpg Senedj[34] (Sethenes) Greek form: Sethenes. Possibly the same person as Peribsen. This, however, is highly disputed.[35] 47 years (supposedly)
Peribsen.jpg Seth-Peribsen Used a Seth-animal above his serekh rather than an Horus falcon. He promoted the sun-cult in Egypt and reduced the powers of officials, nomarchs and palatines. Some scholars believe that he ruled over a divided Egypt.[36] Unknown
CalciteVesselFragmentNameOfSekhemibPerenmmat-BritishMuseum-August21-08 retouched.jpg Sekhemib-Perenmaat Could be the same person as Seth-Peribsen.[37] Around 2720 BC
Abydos KL 03-05 n19.jpg Neferkara I (Nephercheres) Greek form: Néphercherés. Known only from Ramesside king lists, not archaeologically attested. 25 years (according to Manetho)
Neferkasokar-inscription.png Neferkasokar (Sesochris) Greek form: Sesóchris. Known only from Ramesside king lists, not archaeologically attested. Old Kingdom legends claim that this ruler saved Egypt from along-lasting drought.[38] 8 years
Hudjefasaqqara.png Hudjefa I Known only from Ramesside king lists, his "name" is actually a paraphrase pointing out that the original name of the king was already lost in Ramesside times. 11 years (according to the Turin Canon)
Khasekhem oxford2.jpg Khasekhemwy[39][40] (Cheneres) Greek form: Chenerés. May have reunified Egypt after a period of trouble; his serekh name is unique for presenting both Horus and Set.