Revenue model for social networking sites

A virtual gathering place for people and business that does not have a physical existence

Online auctions

Business uses of social networking

Social Networking Sites


Mobile commerce

Access satellite geographic positioning service

Voice calls

Communicate over the Internet

Doing business online using mobile devices called mobile
commerce (m-commerce)

Send and receive text messages

tablet device

mobile payment apps

mobile phones

mobile device operating system

mobile apps

Mixed-revenue and fee-for-service social networking sites

Advertising-supported social networking sites

Microlending sites

Crowdfunding sites

Fee-based social networking

click to edit

Participatory journalism

Location-aware mobile social networks


Web logs (Blogs)

Opinions and discussion on decision making still evolving in
social media.

Companies can interact with customers with various different

Social media engagement can provide much more information about customers and potential customers.

Types of online auction

Auction-related services

Online auction and related business

Auction basics

Business-to-business auctions

General consumer auction

Group shopping and coupon sites

Specialty consumer auctions

Consumer reverse auctions

Business-to-business reverse auctions

Double auction (sealed-bid

First-price sealed-bid auction

Reverse auction (seller-bid)

Double auction (open-outcry

Dutch auction

Auction software

Auction directory and information

Auction escrow services