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The Power of Feedback💡 - Coggle Diagram
The Power of Feedback
Make it a positive experience!
Make it timely
when there is a specific issue or concern you need to talk about it!
Try to speak about it soon after the event so that you make sure that its fresh on peoples minds and you can give specific advice that's relevant and immediate
Keep it private
Never give feedback in public and not in front of their peers! Especially negative feedback can hurt people and a public atmosphere is no where people feel comfortable when receiving negative feedback
Use I statements
This communicates your perspective and helps you avoid any questionable judgements about their character or motives
‘I was upset and hurt that you showed up late to the yesterdays meeting.’
Intead of ‘Showing up late was insensitive.’
Adress two issues only
Any more would make the other person feel attacked, which will affect their confidence and morale
Additional information
Click here to get to a
of Mindtools on how to give feedback. Super helpful!
on Giving Feedback was super helpful for me and enriched my knowledge a lot
Choose your language carefully
Here are some good examples
“When you did XX, I felt YY.”
“I noticed that when you said XX, it made me feel YY.”
“I really liked the way you did XX and particulary YY about it.”
“It made me feel really XX to hear you say YY in that way.”
Make it as specific as possible
Think about specific occasions and specific behaviour
Point to exactly what the person did and exactly how it made you feel
The more specific the better
Giving and receiving feedback
ts important to know how to give feedback effectively and constructively without causing offence
It'S important to focus on the process of communicating with someone about something that they have done or said with a view to changing or encouraging that behaviour
Feedback is a frequently used term in communication theory. Make it work in real life!
What is effective feedback?
= that which is clearly heard, understood and accepted
It affects areas within your power
You have no control over whether the recipient chooses to act upon your feedback
Feedback should be about behavior not personality
No comment on what type of person they are or what they believe or value
Only commenting on how they behaved
Not be tempted to discuss aspects of personality, intelligence
Its only about the behavior not about the personality!
Feedback should describe the effect of the persons beaviour on you
You do not know the effect on anypone or anything else
You only know how it made YOU feel or what YOU thought
Presenting feedback as your opinion makes it easier for the recipient to hear and accept it even if its negative
They have no control over how you felt
You have no control over their intention
Blame free approach is much more acceptable
It's not just about business!
Every interaction is an opportunity for feedback in both directions
Mostly feedback happens in moment when we don't even realize it. Its often in a quick interchange
The importance of receiving feedback
There are some skills that are needed to receive feedback
Especially when its something you don’t want to hear
Be open to the feedback of others
Listen carefully!
Don’t think about your reply just listen
Notice non verbal communication as well
Active listening, questioning, reflecting and clarification to ensure that you have fully understood at the nuances of what the other person is saying and avoid misunderstandings
How to react?
Use different types of questions to clarify the situation and reflect back your understanding, including emotions
“So when you said X, whould it be fair to say that you mean XX and felt XX?”
“Have I understood correctly that when I did XX, you felt XX?”
And again: Behavior not personality!
There is always a possibility to return the conversation to the behavioural and help the person giving feedback to fucus in that level
Reflections and question focus on behaviour and not personality
Emotional intelligence
being aware of your own emotions
Being able to manage emotions
Control it! Even if the feedback causes an emotional response
The Impact of Happiness and Gratitude
More Good Feeling
More relaxed
More resilient
Less envious
Happier memories
More social
Healthier marriage
Deeper relationships
More friendships
Better management
Improved networking
Goal achievement
Improved decision making
increased productivity
Improved sleep
Less sickness
Increased energy
More exercise
Less materialistic
Less self-centered
More optimistic
Increased self-esteem
More spiritual
All in all Happiness and gratitude has a great impact on your ability to give and receive feedback because it affects the way we are able to deal with challenging situations as well as our willingness to improve our skills without taking feedback personally and thus lowering self-esteem
The Sandwich Feedback method and how to use it
Begin with some positive comments regarding the Situation in question
Give praise for the persons strong points
Give Compliments
Give criticism
Remind the Person of their strong points