Africa and Europe: relief, hydrography, climate



frica is the third biggest continent

for its size followed by Asia and

America, and the second most

populated in the world. Its

population represents 17% of the

world population.

The average height of Africa is 600 meters above sea level, and it does not have,

like other continents, extremely high zones and other low ones, because plateaus


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By size and population,

Europe is the penultimate

continent of the world; only

Oceania is smaller. With 10.5

million km2, including its

adjacent islands, it covers 2%

of the surface of the earth and

6.8 of its total emerged. Its

population of 788.9 million

represents a little less than

11% of the world population.

Europe has a very limited coastline profile. Europe is sometimes described

as a peninsula of peninsulas. A peninsula is a piece of land surrounded by water

on three sides. Europe is a peninsula of the Eurasian supercontinent and is

bordered by the Arctic Ocean to the north, the Atlantic Ocean to the west, and

the Mediterranean, Black, and Caspian Seas to the south