An average consumer is a “reasonably well informed, reasonably observant and circumspect”
2(2) CPUTR: “(2) In determining the effect of a commercial practice on the average consumer where the practice reaches or is addressed to a consumer or consumers account shall be taken of the material characteristics of such an average consumer including his being reasonably well informed, reasonably observant and circumspect.”
There is also specific protection for vulnerable consumer, if for instance an influencer their audience are children or to a younger audience, the specific standard is the average member of that group: “In determining the effect of a commercial practice on the average consumer— (a)where a clearly identifiable group of consumers is particularly vulnerable to the practice or the underlying product because of their mental or physical infirmity, age or credulity in a way which the trader could reasonably be expected to foresee, and (b)where the practice is likely to materially distort the economic behaviour only of that group, a reference to the average consumer shall be read as referring to the average member of that group.”