1950's western scholars say Stalin's fault bc of communist expansion in west, revisionist historian say US bc of policies in southeast asia and client states, both rivals bc of different systems + wanting secutrity for power and presitige, US + GB made democratic feedom for liberated states, red army installed pro-soviet regimes in poland, romania, bulgaria, and hungary bc they were scared of anti soviets, civil war in germany = another problem, 1946 communist peoples liberation army and anti communist forces w british fighting for greece (GB had postwar reconstruction in ME but 1947 $$ probs made them withdraw, Harry Truman scared aby GB weak and russia move into ME --> Truman Doctrine = US give $$ help to countries w communst expanision prob, March 1047 US congress said give $400 m (eco + mili) to greece and turkey, June 1047 european recovery program/ marshall plan $13 b for eco euro (sped division), foreign affiars july 1947 george kennan advocated policy of containment against russia, after russian blockade of berlin 1948 containment become policiy, russia took $ reperation, removed 380 factories from berlin --> 1946 summer 200 german factories moved to russia, german communist party reestablised under walter ulbricht, US GB and France merged, by feb 1948 west german fedral gov, russis made blockade on west berlin in response, western powers used berlin air lfit as solution, russia lifted it may 1949, end of may constitution made for fedral republic of germany, konrad adenauer new german chancellor sept 1949, russia release first atomic bomc 1949, mutual deterrence, North Atlantic Treaty Organization formed in April 1949 (belgium, GB, denmark, france, iceland, italy luxembuorg, netherlands, norway, and portugal, west germany, turkey, and greece sign treaty w canada and US), 1949 council for mutual economic assitistace, 1955 albania, bulgaria, czechoslavikia, east germany, hungary, poland, romania, and russia allied in Warsaw pact