b) HR function: docs - employee file, payroll amendment forms, updated employee file. Controls - interviews, authorisation, changes to pay rates etc, recruiting, counselling, negotiating and labour law, etc
c) Timekeeping: keeps accurate & complete record of valid hours worked e.g clock card. Docs - blank clock cards, hours recorded, batch control. Controls - entry exit points, foreman recording personnel, authorising overtime, clock machine @ entrance.
d) Payroll preparation: calculate gross wages, deduction & net wage. Docs - clocks cards, updated IDE, week-to-week reconciliation. Controls - calculations & casting must be reviewed by independent person, senior personnel should inspect payroll & recons done.
e) Payment preparation and payout: Docs -authorised payroll, pay slips, unclaimed wages register. Controls - The wage cheque should be signed by two signatories, one of whom must be
senior management, the wages cheque should be cashed at the bank, he money in the wage-packet should be independently reviewed.
f) Payment and recordings : Docs - general ledger, record return form, CRJ. Controls - Appointing risk compliance officers.
o Risk management policies.