2. Mutual Agency ( ART. 1803, 1818, 1819, 1820, 1821, 1822, 1825; Revised Rules of Court, Rule 130, Sec. 29; 1997 Revised Rules of Civil Procedure Rule 14, Section 11; ART. 1800, 1801, 1802, 1832, 1833, 1834) - Agency here only contemplates acts of administration. As such, requires specific authorization of ALL partners to perform acts of strict dominion.
- GR - Partner who is appointed managing partner may execute all acts of administration EVEN if partners oppose.
- XCPN - Acts in bad faith AND his power is irrevocable without just or lawful cause. Here, vote of the partners representing the controlling itnerest shall be necessary for revocation of power.
POWER OF REVOCATION - A power granted after the partnership has been constituted may be revoked at any time.
MULTIPLE MANAGING PARTNERS (1801) - Two or more partners AND either without:
- SPECIFICATION of their respective duties OR
- STIPULATION that one of them shall not act without the consent of all others
Each one may separately execute all acts of administration.
- GR. if any of them should oppose the acts of the others, the decision of the majority shall prevail.
- XCPN - In case of a tie, the matter shall be decided by the partners owning the controlling interest
JOINT MANAGEMENT (1802) - IF stipulation that none of the managing partners shall act without the consent of the others, THEN concurrence of ALL shall be necessary for the validity of the acts.
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- GR: Dissolution terminates all authority of any partner to act for the partnership
- XCPN - if necessary to wind up partnership affairs OR complete transactions already begun.
LIABILITY OF PARTNER AFTER DISSOLUTION (1833) - Where the dissolution is caused by either the ACT, DEATH, or INSOLVENCY of a partner. Each partner is liable to his co-partner for his share of any liability created by any partner acting for the partnership as if there was no dissolution UNLESS
- KNOWLEDGE;ACT - the dissolution by act, the partner acting for the partnership had knowledge of the dissolution
- KNOWLEDGE OR NOTICE;Death/Insolvency - the dissolution by death or insolvency, the partner acting had knowledge or notice of the same.
ACT OF PARTNER AFTER DISSOLUTION (1834) - After dissolution, a partner can bind the partnership when:
- WINDING UP - any act appropriate for winding up partnership affairs/completing transactions unfinished at dissolution
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