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1. Unit 1. E-Learning and the information, knowledge and learning society
1.3. The training system in the face of the demands of the informational society
The emergence of technology, made possible by the underdevelopment of the rational faculty
1.4. New training environments in the information society
The development of formative learning environments is evidently
1.2. The historical evolution of the media and technologies. From rock art to Computers
● The pre-technological period, in which all animal species (apart from the human species, some birds and primates) continue today, was a non-rational period of the first prehistoric hominids.
1.1. The information society and digital technologies
At present, the history of humanity has undergone different technological revolutions that, in general, fall into three: agricultural, industrial and information.
Unidad 5.Legal aspects of e-learning.
5.2. Privacy
Throughout the Privacy Policy that exist on the E-Learning platforms you will find a series of specific examples of why and how personal data is used. "
5.3. Responsibility
The user accepts that all information, data, text, software, music, sound, photographs, graphics, videos, messages and other content (hereinafter "content"), are the sole responsibility of the person who has originated said content.
5.1. Private international right
Private international law is used when the protection of the legal asset goes beyond the physical borders of a State.
5.4. Intellectual property
In the nomenclature used internationally, intellectual property encompasses both industrial property (trademarks and patents) and copyright and related rights.
6. Organizational development of e-learning: change management
6.2. Company and organization
To analyze organizations and especially the company, as an economic organization par excellence, we will address two related issues that, however, should be distinguished and treated separately.
6.3. Organizational models
Our first step will then be to know and analyze the Organization in which change management is proposed.
6.1.Models of organization and management of e-learning institutions.
Thinking about “the management of organizational change through e-learning” implies taking as a starting point three axes of analysis of organizational development that will allow us to analyze the theoretical-practical foundation of organizations and then, a fourth transversal axis conducive to promoting the change.
6.4. Educational organizations
The university, like all institutions that produce, process, store, analyze or distribute that intangible asset that is knowledge, does not remain alien to a phenomenon that poses quantitatively and qualitatively different challenges: the transition from an elite higher education to one of masses, the redefinition of training needs, growing competition and the emphasis on the need to ensure the quality of teaching.
6.5.Keys for the management of new educational organizations
The historical stability of the environment where traditional universities operated (face-to-face or at a distance) helped to configure them as rigid bureaucratized institutions and little predisposed to change.
**Unit 3. Digital literacy.
3.2. The presentation of digital information
The impact that information has on the development of new technologies for the impact that information has on the development of new technologies
3.1. The access to the information
The increasing flows of information and communication in society, as well as the emergence of new forms of digitized coordination.
3.4. Aplicaciones de Internet, Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint.
The Internet of Things, or IoT for its acronym in English (Internet of Things), a term that refers to the connection of objects between them
Unit 2. Fundamentals of e-learning
2.2.Reality and assumptions of e-learning
Blame the media for showing Gen X
2.3.Denomination and main meanings
E-learning refers to teaching and learning online, through the Internet and technology.
2.1. Fundamentals
An e-learning solution is made up of three fundamental elements: Platform, Content and Communication Tools.
2.4. Characterization of e-learning according to its practices.
Los modelos educativos no son únicos debido a que pueden entenderse
Unit 4. The environment of training organizations with e-learning. **
4.1. Educational and training policy aspects of e-learning.
4.2. E-learning on the political agendas.
4.3. A framework for the analysis of public policies on e-learning.
4.4. Sectoral policies on e-learning.
4.5. Alternative policies, mixed results
Anyone who knows the reality of e-learning in at least two different countries will claim that there are obvious differences between them, but it is difficult to translate these impressions into empirical evidence given the scarcity of data.
In terms of public policies on e-learning, governments face a double challenge: that of supporting development driven by knowledge, on the one hand, and the ever-present challenge of promoting quality, efficiency, and equity in education, on the other. .
4.6. Conclusions: Looking to the future and learning from mistakes.
To successfully promote e-learning, governments should be both leaders and facilitators.